Human beings are notorious for a lot of things — depleting natural resources, television politics, the concept of instant gratification, ad infinitum — but getting along and agreeing with each other is not one of them.
Something I think the majority of us can agree on, though, is just how consistently entertaining the British royal family’s drama is.
Just as a disclaimer, I’m not referring to the drama found in the British government’s imperialist garbage fire of a historical record. That’s an entirely different tangent.
I’m primarily pointing to how we’ve all come to recognize the modern-day royals on a somewhat personal basis. It’s almost as if they’re celebrities.
When something goes on in that family, people pay attention.
I think this has been made painfully evident most recently with how social media feeds have been filled with gossip and critical chatter since the March 7 Harry and Meghan tell-all Oprah interview.
Aside from the royal family being (unsurprisingly) under fire again, their overall presence in contemporary media is never-ending.
From people dedicating entire watch parties out of every royal wedding to the recent memes making fun of how unbelievably decrepit Prince Philip is, the royal family has gained and will continue to hold international attention — for better or for worse.
I’ve honestly come to accept this as a commonplace mode of pop culture. Personally, I may or may not have shed actual tears during the livestream of Harry and Meghan’s wedding ceremony in 2018. Who’s to say?
But I feel like I can’t be the only one who’s stepped back since then and realized just how strange the global fixation on the Windsors is.
I find it so weird that a monarchy erected in the 10th century AD still has so much prominence in today’s world, especially considering its troublesome reputation and countless controversies throughout the years.
Even before the deeply concerning news of Meghan’s mistreatment and how she was invalidated as a member of the family, the monarchy has by no means been a stranger to bad press.
Most notably, Prince Andrew’s concerningly close friendship with notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was a recent hot topic that left the public with a lot of questions about the family as a whole.
On top of this, scandals including various romantic and sexual affairs, alleged racist incidents and plentiful conspiracy theories have all surfaced throughout the years, causing me to seriously consider: why do we still pay so much attention?
Why and how does the British royal family still hold a position of such power and esteem after centuries of sketchy behavior and outright wrongdoings?
I realize I don’t have much if any authority when it comes to this matter — I can’t really suggest any reform or rework of the UK’s monarchical system — but I simply can’t get over how bizarre it is that this group of very old, very white people still plays such an influential role in world politics and pop culture.
It’s no secret that the Windsor line is riddled with manifold scandals (whether publicly acknowledged or swept under the rug), and I think that’s the exact reason why we can’t look away.
After all, it’s inevitable that the family who inspired the outrageously juicy plot of Netflix’s “The Crown” would still garner such widespread attention.
At this point, it honestly seems like the British monarchy exists less to fill a ceremonial role in the UK government and more to entertain the world as a stricter, more politically influential version of the Kardashians.
They’re nowhere near perfect, as has been established time and time again — but I think we can all agree that they’re endlessly and undeniably entertaining.
Emily Davison is a 19-year-old anthropology and English sophomore from Denham Springs.
Opinion: I can’t look away from British royal family drama
March 24, 2021
Meghan and Harry