We have all walked through Free Speech Plaza before, and we all know how scary and intimidating it can be. Everyone is eagerly handing you fliers and, with overly cheerful voices, telling you about their respective clubs and what events they’ll be holding this week.
You can try looking down at your phone, putting in your ear buds and avoiding eye contact, but they will still walk up to you with hope in their hearts that you will have even a minute amount of interest.
What now?
Typically, you can take one of two options. You can pretend to be interested, smiling along and nodding enthusiastically after every statement they make. On the other side, you can break their heartsby completely ignoring them and walking away.
But did you know there’s a third option?
Once I got past the awkwardness and the initial fear of walking through Free Speech Plaza, I found that the organizations there are actually a vital part of the community and culture here at the University.
I know how daunting it is to attend such a big school. I also know how complicated life in college can get. I could not imagine doing it alone, though. There are several organizations on campus whose main goal is to make sure you do not have to do that.
You just have to give them a chance. A few minutes of conversation could lead to finding communities that produce friendships that last forever.
Friends who will be standing next to you on your wedding day. Friends who will be there to pick you up when you hit rock bottom.
My roommate got involved with Chi Alpha after noticing its members in Free Speech Plaza each week, advertising their Thursday night worship service The Point. Eventually, after initially choosing to avoid them, he gave them a shot and it radically changed his life. He got plugged into a community where genuine friendships blossomed and he met awesome people (like me).
A couple of minutes was all it took for him to find a community here on campus.
If you are reading this and feel isolated, know that it does not have to always feel this way. We are not meant to take on life alone. On a college campus where anxiety and depression can hide in the dark corners of dorm rooms just waiting for someone to give in to the loneliness and stress, there are opportunities for freedom standing in plain sight.
Yes, Free Speech Plaza can be intimidating at times, but it is nothing compared to what you will face if you choose to go through college alone. So, next time you walk through Free Speech Plaza, spare these people a couple of minutes. What’s the worst that could happen?
Anthony Bui is a 20-year-old English junior from Opelousas.
Opinion: Give Free Speech Plaza a chance
By Anthony Bui
March 17, 2021
LSU Voter Registration Day takes place in Free Speech Alley on Thursday, September 19, 2019.