Record store Atomic Pop Shop in Mid City will host its last day on April 21 after owners decided to move their business to North Carolina. The owners are currently looking for a local buyer to uphold the store under a different name, according to the shop’s Facebook post.
The Atomic Pop Shop opened in Mid City seven years ago and is Baton Rouge’s largest independent new and used all vinyl record shop. Owners Kerry and Jeff Beary decided to move their store to Charlotte, North Carolina after receiving a opportunity for the new store, which they will move to after May 31.
The owners said they will know more about the new buyer after April 1 and will update their social media as they find out more information.
Atomic Pop Shop moving locations, looking for new record store ownership
March 15, 2018
The Atomic Pop Shop participates in A Mid City Night’s Dream on August 24, 2017 on Government Street.