Melania Knauss is an immigrant from Novo Mesto, Slovenia, who moved to the U.S. in 1996. Knauss had a modest lifestyle and began modeling at 16 years old. She was a middle class immigrant woman.
Melania Trump, First Lady and wife to U.S. President Donald Trump, was not born an American. She is a woman who hides her immigrant background, and she doesn’t stand for any of the issues that would have helped her if she hadn’t married Trump. She quietly stands by her husband — a man who hates immigrants and disrespects women and all people of color. Melania is worse than loud, racist and sexist President Trump.
As children, we are taught to report any bullying we see, and a silent bystander to hate and bigotry is just as harmful as, if not worse than, a bully. Melania is living with a bully and isn’t speaking out.
President Trump put out a travel ban on Syria, North Korea, Iran, Chad, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela and Somalia. Although none of these are Melania’s home country, they still host people she should relate to. President Trump also wants to build a wall to keep out Mexican immigrants. Melania came to America seeking a better life and financial future, and that is exactly what she did. She should be helping immigrants, not allowing her husband to ban them and put up walls to keep them out. If President Trump had been president when Melania was trying to move to America, it would have been a lot harder for her to live the life she has today.
President Trump also speaks about how immigrants are stealing our jobs, but that is exactly what Melania did; she migrated from Slovenia and took an American model’s job. Yes, she deserved that job because she was qualified, but that is the rhetoric President Trump preaches.
Along with immigrants, Melania should stand up for women. Her husband has 19 sexual misconduct allegations, is disrespectful to women and has even said he “grabs them by the pussy.” This is not something I would want my husband saying about other women, even if it was in 2005. President Trump is also against funding women’s health. He is anti-abortion and against government-funded birth control, two issues close to many women’s hearts.
Melania is married to a man who doesn’t support her and arguably goes against everything she is. Immigrants and women can’t look up to her because she sits there quietly and allows her husband to yell and hate anyone who isn’t like him. Melania Knauss would be very disappointed in Melania Trump and her silence.
Ashlon Lusk is a 19-year-old mass communication freshman from Houston, Texas.