“A Simple Favor,” directed by Paul Feig, skillfully intertwines the best aspects of mystery, thriller and comedy. Blending suspenseful plot lines with satirical humor, this film created a new genre of film.
Stephanie (Anna Kendrick) is an overly perky mother with a “mommy blog” who resides in the suburbs outside of New York City. Stephanie’s son soon befriends the child of Emily Nelson (Blake Lively), a tall, blonde, long-legged businesswoman.
The two moms soon become friends, drinking martinis and sharing (mostly Stephanie’s) deepest, darkest secrets. One afternoon, Emily asks Stephanie to do her a “simple favor,” to pick up her son from school. Days later, Emily still never came to take her son home.
With Emily still not found, Stephanie soon accepts the responsibility of tracking down her new best friend. What seems like a simple missing persons case becomes a twisted investigation including $4 million life insurance policies, heroin, Christian summer camps and murder.
With a leading lady like Anna Kendrick, it would be a missed opportunity to deny the world of her dry, yet impeccable, comedic timing. One of this movie’s most captivating elements is the way Feig used comedy to lighten up the darkest parts of the film. Scenes such as Stephanie getting stuck in Emily’s designer dress or Stephanie rapping by herself in her car give the film a vibrant, comedic energy that livens up an otherwise dark film.
Though this film is full of predictable plot points, each is accompanied by a surprise twist. The movie builds suspense slowly and steadily in the beginning, but once the plot picks up, the movie feels rushed. Surprise twists come and go almost faster than audiences can process and comprehend them.
Complex female characters showcase a signature element of Feig’s films. From an outside perspective, Emily seems to have a perfect life complete with a beautiful house, husband, child and even a beautiful walk in closet filled with beautiful clothes. Similarly, Stephanie gives off the impression that she’s got her life all under control with her volunteer work, mommy blog and homemade snacks. It’s refreshing to see these two lead characters break the stereotype and remind women everywhere it’s OK to be a hot mess.
“A Simple Favor” also has an incredible soundtrack full of vibrant French pop songs. The soundtrack includes new songs such as “Poisson Rouge” by Saint Privat, “Crier Tout Bas” by Coeur de Pirate and “Changement” by Orelsan and old songs such as “Une Histoire de Plage” and “La Madrague” by Brigitte Bardot. These songs perfectly compliment the deceptive, sultry nature of the film.
This film paid incredible attention to detail. Every aspect of the movie from the fashion to the interior design was expertly designed. Combined with the good-looking cast of celebrities, there is always something beautiful at which to look.