Brothers Willie and William Roberts started their company, Urban Bros., to share their knowledge of an all-natural, home-grown, plant-based diet for people looking to eat better and learn more.
People may simply call this a vegan diet, but Willie and William prefer the term “plant-based” because it puts an emphasis on eating whole foods grown from the earth. They also strive to consume foods grown without any malpractices we often see in the food industry today.
They adopted their plant-based diet about two years ago as a part of their health journey. When Willie began to see significant weight loss, people wanted to know what he was doing and how they could achieve the same transformation.
Willie and William teamed up and started Urban Bros., located in Baton Rouge, to share the knowledge they had acquired about a plant-based lifestyle with others. The business offers fresh-squeezed juice blends, ginger shots and much more.
“I got into the business to help people with their journey and spirit and spread light to people,” Willie said. “We show them different ways that they can charge their system up. With the juice, for instance, you can get your natural nutrients and minerals through the juice, so you don’t have to take synthetic vitamins.”
The Roberts brothers use lots of native plants that grow in south Louisiana, as well as plants they grow in their garden, in their products. Everything else they use comes from trusted retailers in the area.
For the Roberts brothers, this was more than just a diet and a business. They found a passion for learning more about how to charge and heal their bodies as well as a passion for sharing that knowledge with others.
“This being my purpose and passion is really what drives me to push the business we have going,” Willie said. “It’s a lifestyle, it’s an everyday journey and you have to work on yourself. I hope we keep seeking knowledge and information and spreading that to as many people that want to know about a natural lifestyle.”
On their Instagram, @urbanbrosbr, the brothers share their knowledge of eating a natural, plant-based diet. They share information on the benefits of various fruits, vegetables and herbs as well as the dangers and hidden ingredients in processed and fast foods.
Through the brand, they hope to not only heal people’s bodies, but also do good for people’s mind and souls.
“My main thing is spreading the energy because the energy that you pass to somebody is energy that someone takes in. That energy could be bad or good, so I just try to always have good energy and motivate people,” Willie said.
As their brand develops, Willie and William hope to grow more in knowledge and grow their business.
“As you learn your journey keeps transitioning,” Willie said. “We look to grow with the business and see where it takes us.”
Urban Bros. share plant-based lifestyle
October 15, 2018
Urban Bros co-owner Willie Roberts talks about his plant-based diet journey at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018.