Three bouts of cancer haven’t slowed down University alumnus David Yates, who returned to his alma mater Thursday.
Yates, a 1975 graduate, wrote a book about his experiences called “Cancer Sucks — A True Story” and regularly updates a blog at
Yates said motivation for his book came when he was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2006, when his research revealed that few personal accounts of cancer experiences were available to prepare him for treatment and recovery.
“We couldn’t find anything dealing with the physical pain and emotional and spiritual struggles that I would face — that anyone would face going through diagnosis, treatment, recovery and side effects,” Yates said. “I went through cancer and chemotherapy with a lot of unknowns.”
Searching for a common emotional connection and failing to find tales of personal experiences, Yates decided to make an account of his battle with cancer.
“I needed to write my story and share it with people,” he said. “I thought at that time that if I could help one person it would all be worth it, and that’s happened many times over. It’s very gratifying.”
After appearing in the LSU Alumni Magazine, Yates was invited to speak to a writing class.
He said he has enjoyed returning to the University for the first time since graduation.
“Just being back here has done a lot for my soul. We should all visit some place we have fond memories of,” he said. “It’s so inspirational to be back at LSU.”
Originally from California, Yates continues to be a fan of LSU athletics. As an alumnus, he said he is proud to have graduated from the University and will always root for the Tigers.
“When I do die, if there’s an LSU football game I’ll refuse to die until that game is over, kiss my wife goodbye and then go,” Yates joked. “That’s how much LSU has meant in my life.”
To prepare for the release of his book, Yates writes a blog of short stories inspired by his many years spent battling cancer. Blogging has been a different experience for Yates, who has been writing for 20 years.
One recent post talks about his satisfaction with his oncologist but compares her to Cruella De Vil in his first impression.
“Blogging is different,” Yates explained. “Even with cancer, humor is a good thing to add once in a while. I don’t try to make cancer sound funny, but I do try to put something in that makes people laugh.”
Yates said cancer is becoming less of a taboo subject as people talk about their experiences, and he is trying to convey the message of the importance of talking and sharing with others.
“When you help somebody and they confide their innermost feelings, to me it helps our spirit grow,” he said.
The message offered in the book can be taken beyond the specific struggles of cancer, Yates said.
“It’s an inspirational story that can help people and give them a way to cope emotionally with whatever they may be going through,” he said.
Contact Morgan Searles at [email protected]
Alumnus thrice survives cancer, chronicles bout in book
March 25, 2011