My column “LGBTQ community needs to leave Chick-fil-A alone,” published Wednesday, covered the recent attacks toward Chick-fil-A because it sponsored Pennsylvania Family Institute — an anti-homosexual marriage organization. I expressed how I thought these attacks were menial.
The column was written in a way I thought would not offend anyone.
Needless to say, the rest of the day I received comments and e-mails essentially telling me I was homophobic and displayed hatred toward the LGBTQ community.
Some called me ignorant.
Others expressed their “outrage” at my so-called homophobic comments.
But it seemed most of the hate came from one line in my column, which had no intention of indicating hatred — it was simply used as a metaphor.
The line that received the most heat was: “Moreover, criticizing a company because they support heterosexual over homosexual marriage is like criticizing a professor for teaching out of the book — it’s traditional, and it works.”
Before I continue, I’d like to state my views of homosexual marriage. Personally, I believe if two people want to get married, they should be able to — regardless of sex. Also, I believe the illegality of gay marriage violates the First Amendment’s separation of church and state.
Most people seemed to think I implied a “hetero-bias,” and they frequently used slavery as an example of an institution that was traditional and worked at one time.
To clarify, what I meant was not that I think heterosexual marriage is the only way to go. I simply believe criticizing a chicken sandwich company because its owners think a certain way is futile. Chick-fil-A clearly thinks this way because heterosexual marriage is “biblically” traditional, and marriage works out about half of the time.
Also, commentors continually said while something may be traditional, that does not make it right.
Did I once say what Chick-fil-A was doing is right? No. I merely used it as an example as to why Chick-fil-A has its viewpoint.
Overall, the message I wanted to convey is that protesting Chick-fil-A of all companies does not seem very beneficial to further homosexual rights. I never meant to detract anyone of the LGBTQ community.
My words were taken out of context, and part of that was my fault — I should have been clearer.
Chris Grillot is a 19-year-old English and mass communication sophomore from New Orleans. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_cgrillot.
The C-Section: Column concerning Chick-fil-A, LGBTQ taken out of context
March 3, 2011