The Louisiana film industry will soon see a lot of action, and it doesn’t have anything to do with movies.
Patrick Mulhearn, director of Raleigh Studios Baton Rouge and president of the Louisiana Industry for Film and Entertainment, said LIFE expects to sign an agreement soon to partner with the Louisiana Red Cross to improve disaster response.
“In the event of an emergency, the film industry will be there for the Red Cross,” he said.
Mulhearn said studios can offer help to the Red Cross in the form of generators, trucks, lights and living space. Mulhearn said film studios aiding in disaster services isn’t a new concept.
Mulhearn said several companies in the New York City film industry sent mobile kitchens and trailers to the site of the World Trade Center towers after Sept. 11.
“The industry has a history of reaching out in times of need,” Mulhearn said.
Bobbi Zaunbrecher, CEO of the Louisiana Capital Area Red Cross, said the film industry in New York also sent industrial-strength lamps to provide light to rescue workers at the site.
“They were the first ones on the scene,” she said.
Mulhearn said LIFE first began planning the partnership with the Red Cross last fall because the two industries use similar resources like food, shelter, lighting and emergency generators.
“It just seems like a natural partnership,” he said.
Mulhearn said companies in the film industry can also offer help to the Red Cross because there isn’t a lot for them to do during disasters.
“Obviously, if there was a hurricane the film industry here would kind of shut down,” he said. “This way, the resources could really be put to use.”
Zaunbrecher said the Red Cross and LIFE have both signed a memorandum of understanding stating they want to move forward on this initiative and create a formal agreement.She said no money has exchanged hands yet.
Zaunbrecher said Raleigh Studios will lend the Red Cross certain buildings to use as evacuation shelters and the organization will reimburse the film company depending on the length of stay, which is never predictable.
“Some sheltering during Katrina went on for five months,” she said.
Zaunbrecher said one company the Red Cross has been working with is Hanna Brothers Extreme Motion Picture Catering Service. She said the contract the organization will soon sign with the catering company will outline health laws and standards, nutritional content and specific meal prices.
Zaunbrecher said the contract will allow the Red Cross to know exactly what companies to contact in case of an emergency, which saves the organization time.
“Basically, the contract can be activated during a disaster,” she said. “We’re just getting our ducks in a row beforehand.”
Zaunbrecher said the agreement between the two industries is another way for the Red Cross to be as prepared as possible for emergencies.
Contact Rachel Warren at [email protected]
Film industry partners with Red Cross
April 24, 2011