The sounds of live music flooded the streets of downtown Baton Rouge on Saturday as people walked in and out of local restaurants and bars to view the works of local artists.
The music came from FestForAll, an art and music festival hosted by the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge, and the artwork was a part of the first annual Downtown Spring Art Walk hosted by the Downtown Development District.
People walked in and out of each location to view showcases of paintings and photography.
According to the DDD website, 17 galleries, bars and restaurants participated in the event.
John Gallagher, a Baton Rouge photographer, had his artwork displayed at the Baton Rouge Area Convention and Visitors Bureau building.
Gallagher said he likes to participate in art walks because it gives him an opportunity to show his work in a public setting.
He said he agreed to showcase his photographs because he likes to encourage development downtown.
“It’s important to have a good vibrant downtown scene,” he said.
Ray Mosteller, a photographer from South Carolina, had a booth set up near the LSU Museum of Art for FestForAll.
Mosteller said he sells his artwork at festivals and art shows across the country, and he attends more than 40 art shows a year.
He said fewer people walked past his booth than he expected, which he attributes to all the events happening downtown at the same time.
“Usually it’s nothing but an art show, so everyone there wants to look at and buy art,” he said. “They’re coming here to eat and drink, and they sometimes walk over here.”
The LSU Museum of Art Store participated in the event, and store manager LeAnn Russo said she saw a steady stream of visitors walk through Saturday.
Russo said she thinks events like FestForAll and the Art Walk help dispel the myth that the downtown area is an unsafe place.
“There are so many art galleries,” she said. “There are so many things to do here.”
Baton Rouge resident Holly Rayne spent her time downtown Saturday listening to FestForAll’s live music and stopping in at various restaurants to see art.
“I like being downtown,” she said. “I like all the art and the jewelry.”
Rayne said she and her daughter often go downtown together to attend different events.
“It’s good to mingle with other people,” she said.
Artist Matt Thompson spent the day showcasing his art at Lucy’s Retired Surfer’s Bar and Restaurant.
Thompson said he recently moved to Baton Rouge from California, and the restaurant manager approached him to participate in the event.
“It really brings everyone together,” he said.
Thompson said he was glad to be a part of the Art Walk because he found a large number of people were interested in his artwork.
Erik LeBlanc, co-general manager of Third Street bar Boudreaux and Thibodaux’s, said the bar hosts art shows twice a week for Icon Studios, so he was happy to participate in the Art Walk event.
He said he saw several people come into the bar to view the art and stay for a drink, which he appreciated.
Contact Rachel Warren at [email protected]
Baton Rouge hosts first annual Art Walk
May 1, 2011