University men now have an incentive to dress to impress with the creation of a new “10 Best Dressed Men on the LSU Campus” list.
List creator and Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope said he wanted to make a list that honored those who don’t necessarily have to dress well.
“LSU has many people who dress in different ways. Then there are those, like Eric Monday, Jack Hamilton and others, who are required to dress well at all times,” Cope said. “This list addresses those who are not required but choose to dress well.”
The list shows University faculty can dress nicely and represent the flagship status with confidence, Cope said.
“Academia have been known to be shabby,” Cope said. “It is time we declare our pride in LSU on a sartorial level and other ways.”
The list rates Robert Kuhn, associate vice chancellor for the Office of Budget and Planning, as the best-dressed man on campus. He said many of his friends were surprised when they heard the news.
“One of my friends told me he thought it was an early April Fools Day joke,” Kuhn said. “He couldn’t believe that someone who owns only three white button-down shirts … could be the best dressed on LSU’s campus.”
The list represents the varied styles of campus faculty, Cope said.
“The list ranges from casual dressers to business formal dressers,” Cope said. “I chose people who dress well and have overall integrity. Does the person fit well with their clothes, and do they appear comfortable with their fashion choices?”
One candidate in particular exemplified these traits. Former vice-provost Chuck Wilson, now the executive director of the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, combines exotic attire and casual appearance to rank at No. 2 on the list, Cope said.
“Chuck Wilson has a natural ease and is the perfect candidate for the list,” Cope said. “It is sort of ‘resort chic’ with an air of natural competence.”
Wilson was happy but surprised to find out he made the cut.
“If you knew me, you’d be completely surprised also,” Wilson said. “It’s nice to be recognized for one’s individuality and apparel statements.”
Wilson’s fashion choices are a result of habit and the taste of his most strict fashion critic: his wife, Loula Wilson.
“Over time, you recognize through children and parent suggestions, and it becomes habit,” Wilson said. “My wife, Loula, is my greatest critic, though. She always has to approve what I wear before I walk out the door.”
Once the list was released, many faculty members were confused as to why they were not considered for the honor.
“You wouldn’t believe how many people inquired why they weren’t on the list,” Cope said. “Ultimately, no one was left off because everyone had a chance to be on the list. Many people are concerned because this list turned out to be an attention-getting phenomenon.”
Graduate School Associate Dean Malcolm Richardson, No. 4 on the list, agreed with Cope’s statement.
“In January I published a new book. In February I was named to the ‘Best Dressed’ list,” Richardson said in an e-mail. “Guess which event got the most comment from the faculty?”
With all the attention the list has attracted to the newsletter, Cope said there will be more to come.
“This was the first time for the best-dressed list, but it won’t be the last,” Cope said. “Every faculty member will be reconsidered in about six months to a year.”
Contact Kittu Pannu at [email protected]
Faculty Senate rates ’10 Best Dressed Men on LSU Campus’
February 17, 2011