N.C. State students are to be commended for rejecting suggestions that a student group be formed to “keep up” the Free Expression Tunnel. Far from making the tunnel more “diversity appreciative,” as one student put it, such a group would likely see its function as a “censorship squad” with the duty to paint over any expression in the tunnel that someone could find offensive.
Pro-choice slogans? Offensive to pro-lifers – paint over them. Christian messages? Offensive to atheists. Free Tibet? Offensive to Chinese students. N.C. State would be left with a “free expression” tunnel devoid of any real expression–instead, it would be a monument to a stifling conformity that no community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge should accept.
Free expression should be just that: free. N.C. State will not benefit from having a student group with the mission of deciding when an individual student’s expression should be erased just because the exercise of his or her First Amendment rights annoys someone. America has always had a different answer–answer “bad” speech with more speech, and convince others that you are correct with the power of your ideas.
Robert Shibley
senior vice president, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education