Obi, Yoda, Watson and Crick are the current residents of a newly decorated cat room in the Small Animal Clinic at the LSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
The clinic hosts a program for in-house cats which donate blood in emergencies to save patients’ lives.
Two more cats, Phineas and Ferb, will join them in the program after spending time in quarantine.
The clinic has housed cats for this purpose since the early ’90s. After at least two years of service, the clinic finds “forever homes,” or permanent residencies, for the retired donors.
Hannah Haley, Small Animal Ward manager, said the cats can donate blood every three weeks, but the clinic calls volunteer donors first before resorting to the in-house cats.
Haley said she began working at the clinic in July and thought the room could use an upgrade. Donor cats must stay in the room to avoid infection, but it has no windows and was painted gray before the upgrade.
“I contacted the art school about a month or two ago and asked if they were willing to paint it or if they had suggestions,” Haley said. “Because [the cats] live in there for two years, we would like it to be enjoyable while they’re here. The students did a fantastic windows.”
The Vet School provided $200 for improvements, and the complete renovation cost $250. The extra $50 was covered by The Painters’ League.
Haley said she’s in charge of the cats’ daily care and play in the morning, and a student worker looks after them during the day.
“We have students that come in and play during a break,” she said. “I’ll come in, and they’ll be on the floor with the cats. They get plenty of attention while they’re in better.”
She said the newly-painted cat room is only a temporary solution, as the clinic plans to update the front reception area with a glass visitation space for the donor cats to see and interact with people.
Contact Morgan Searles at [email protected]
Blood donor cats’ home improved
November 28, 2011