The Student Government Senate recently passed a resolution requesting that Facility Services offer sufficient accommodations to temporarily disabled students accessing the computer-based testing center in Himes Hall.
De Andre’ Beadle, senator for the University College Center for Freshman Year and author of the bill, said the resolution is necessary to provide adequate service for students who are temporarily physically disabled and may not have time to register with disability services.
The resolution aims to aid students with disabilities like injured knees or broken legs that would prevent students from using the stairs in Himes Hall, which does not currently have an elevator with access to the basement.
Beadle said he would like to see more staff on hand in the testing center as well as in additional buildings available to testing for disabled students.
“This is a problem,” he said. “A solution to this is necessary because it is essential that students are accommodated so that they can perform well on their either.”
According to O’Brien, Facility Services has visited the testing center and considered creating more handicap accessible options, but no official plans have been made to his knowledge.
“Regardless of the resolution, we already try to work with students and help them out,” he said. “This is not a new
Resolution aids testing center access
November 28, 2011