Masturbation can be quite the touchy subject for some people, but stimulating nonetheless.
Masturbation is, by nature, a very personal affair. That being said, it shouldn’t affect anyone else unless it really gets out of hand, figuratively speaking, of course.
People abstaining from sex for religious purposes or just to remain “pure” for their future spouse are making an admirable choice, but scratching the insatiable itch is hypocritical with this mindset. If you want to stay pure until you get married, but spend your spare time fantasizing about raunchy sex and watching porn, that flushes your purity down the toilet with your soiled tissue.
The issue here is not masturbation so much as the hypocrisy of those choosing abstinence for purity who contradict this notion through their private actions. On a religious basis, masturbation, along with oral sex and anal classifications of self-pleasure, is rejected for a few reasons.
Obviously, masturbation is a lustful act and frowned upon by many religious institutions. For men, ejaculation without the possibility of procreation with a spouse is deemed unacceptable, for that is its purpose. With non-vaginal intercourse, the possibility of offspring is dismissed and the sperm has been wasted. The topic of spilled seed is clearly not the issue for women, but they’re covered under other equally ridiculous matters.
In some religions, masturbation is tolerated under extenuating circumstances in order to prevent adultery. However, it is generally looked down upon and viewed as addictive and self-indulgent.
Another discrepancy that may be a more moral-based issue is that of mental purity and self control. Some people find “holding back” gives them more control over their emotions and mind as a result. I’m sure this is debatable and near impossible to measure, but the idea makes perfect sense.
These rationales may sound outrageous to most students, even most people today, but they’re pretty basic and traditional views. Still, it’s hard to argue that masturbation is unhealthy. According to Men’s Health Magazine, ejaculating more than five times a week reduces the risk of prostate cancer by one-third. It cleans out the dirty plumbing, I suppose.
However, this study was combated by researchers in England’s University of Nottingham, who discovered age plays an important factor in masturbation frequency. They found that younger men in their 20s who frequently masturbate have a 79 percent higher risk for prostate cancer later in life. The reduced risks are shown in older men in their 50s who had a 70 percent decrease. Sex, conversely, did not play a significant role. This may support the theory that those who masturbate more have a higher sex drive and produce more hormones that contribute to prostate problems.
Besides religious and medical reasons for withholding, frequent self-pleasuring can become problematic in relationships. The individuals may have different stances on bedroom dances, which can lead to jealousy due to or influenced by low self esteem. The partner may feel cheated on emotionally or that his or her partner is not satisfied. Communicating about these sorts of things is generally a good idea in order to avoid uncomfortable arguments.
It doesn’t make a difference to me who does and doesn’t tickle their fancies, but don’t be a hypocrite about it. If you’re thinking about sex all the time, your life is certainly not that stimulating, and it is my pleasure to recommend finding a less abrasive testosterone-releasing hobby.
Gabie Bacques is a 21-year-old animal science senior from Mandeville. Follow her on Twitter @TDR_Gbacques.
Contact Gabie Bacques at [email protected]
The G-Spot: Masturbation while practicing abstinence is hypocritical
September 10, 2011