For the past two and a half years, President Obama defined himself as the president who blames everyone else. His monstrous list of people to blame has included virtually everyone but himself.
Obama’s blaming spree was in full gear from the get-go, when he blamed former President Bush for the recession. The claim was passable only insomuch as he had been president for two months. But his solution was a massive stimulus, the supposedly beneficial results of which we have yet to see.
After the British Petroleum oil spill last year, Obama’s first response was to blame Bush.
“There’s enough responsibility to go around,” Obama began in a speech just after the spill. “For a decade or more, there’s been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to back.”
Obama blamed everyone else for the disasters during his presidency because he doesn’t want to admit he was the reason for them.
In 2009, when Obama demanded we approve the stimulus package, he promised us an unemployment rate under 8 percent. Now it is 9.1 percent.
Obama’s stimulus package was one of the biggest landmarks of his presidency, and he now refuses to acknowledge he was wrong about the results he promised.
Instead of blaming Bush, Congress, the Tea Party, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the Arab Spring and economic uncertainty in Europe for the economic crisis, how about Obama admits that his monstrous stimulus package added trillions of dollars to our debt and at the same time failed to help our economy?
Austin Casey is a 19-year-old medical physics junior from Mandeville. Follow him on Twitter at @TDR_Austincasey.
Contact Austin Casey at [email protected]
To the Point: Obama acts like the only blameless man next to Jesus
August 24, 2011