Though the University’s budget is rife with uncertainty, administrators are continuing to develop long-term plans for the University’s future.
Created as a continuation to the 2010 Flagship Agenda, Chancellor Michael Martin unveiled the groundwork for the Flagship 2020 agenda shortly before Christmas.
Former Provost Astrid Merget began work on the new agenda before stepping down from her position in May. After taking the position of provost, Jack Hamilton began to tweak the plans that should ultimately shape the University in the next 10 years.
The plan in its current form is a set of general goals that focus on improving graduation rates, increasing research initiatives and community engagement.
“We know what our values are,” Martin said. “We know the policies in place. This is a strategic document from which the tactics will come out of the colleges and become the substance of tactical side of carrying out the 2020 agenda.”
Both Hamilton and Martin described the current agenda as an outline for individual colleges to create plans with specific parameters to achieve the goals. These plans will then be combined by the administration and Academic Affairs, and ultimately approved by Martin.
With the state facing a $1.6 billion deficit, planning even the number of instructors the University can have next year is impossible. Planning the next 10 years is based on the premise of not having any budget cuts, Hamilton said.
“If you leave us alone and let us be good, this is what we will be,” Hamilton said.
Martin acknowledged in the new agenda’s announcement the challenges of planning in uncertain times by emphasizing his support for the Flagship Coalition, an interest group of influential businessmen that aims to reduce the University’s dependence on fluctuating state funds partially by giving the University increased power over tuition levels, which currently fall under legislative control.
“If Flagship 2020 is our academic vision for the future, the Coalition’s plan is the vehicle to get us there,” Martin said in the announcement.
The term “Flagship Agenda” was coined in 2003 for a strategic plan to set goals both academically and financially for the University to meet during the decade. Since then, the University has achieved some of those milestones, including reaching its $750 million fundraising goal by 2010.
Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
University plans for next flagship agenda
January 16, 2011