Between 2004 and 2014, more than 3,400 Catholic priests were reported for some form of sexual abuse. In all of reported history, three Republican congressmen were reported for sexual assault. The number of pedophiles reported posing as transgender individuals to assault children in public restrooms? Zero.
Republican transphobic rhetoric regarding restrooms is misguided, and it makes a mockery of sexual assault survivors. Yes, sexual assault is a real problem in the United States, and pedophilia is an undue evil we need to eradicate as soon as possible. But using it as an excuse to be hateful toward an already marginalized group is not going to solve any problems.
Pedophiles aren’t going to go to Target and attack children in the women’s restroom. The area is too public, and they’d get caught almost instantly. Further, these gender-neutral restroom laws wouldn’t protect pedophiles in court.
If you really care about protecting children from being sexually abused, take a look at your family and friends first. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, “60 percent of children are sexually abused by someone in their social circle.” This issue should take precedent over the transgender restroom fable, but of course no one is going to do anything about this because, let’s be honest, the majority of people crying wolf over restroom-gate care more about spreading bigotry than protecting children.
I’ve seen the ugly side of people these past few weeks, and I’m disgusted. This is 2016. I thought we were supposed to be past the age of discrimination. I thought we were supposed to be an enlightened population that understands that the world isn’t always black and white. I guess I was wrong.
About 20-40 percent of homeless youth in the U.S. are LGBT youth, according to a study from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. That same study found that up to 50 percent of LGBT homeless youth likely have HIV. Where’s the outcry? If we care about protecting children as much as everyone says we do, we shouldn’t have this problem.
The LGB community might have marriage equality and might have seen greater acceptance in recent years. But, the T part of the community has been left out of this civil rights movement for far too long.
Do everyone a favor. Stop pretending to care about sexually abused children. We all know you don’t.
Cody Sibley is a 20-year-old mass communication sophomore from Opelousas, Louisiana.
Opinion: Focus on transgender people in bathrooms obscures real child sexual assault
April 24, 2016
FILE – In this March 30, 2016 file photo, Human Rights Campaign Executive Director Chad Griffin, center, speaks at a news conference at the old state Capitol Building in Raleigh, N.C. Griffin was among several LGBT leaders who headed to the state to join in protests and plot strategy for trying to overturn a new law limiting bathroom options for transgender people. Stung by setbacks related to their access to public restrooms, transgender Americans are taking steps to play a more prominent and vocal role in a nationwide campaign to curtail discrimination against them. (AP Photo/Gary Robertson, File)
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