You guys, this album is such a wild ride. Magrudergrind’s II is a mature follow-up to their 2009 self-titled album and 2013’s Crusher- EP. By abandoning their usual usage of samples, II encompasses a more serious atmosphere than previous releases. These upperclassmen of grind really out did themselves. There is no room for interruption between these seamless tracks. Definitely meant to be consumed whole, it functions (content-wise) as a lyrical manifesto- a critique of modern politics and warfare as well as an aggressive statement in personal revolution.
24 minutes of pure, solid rage from a currently Brooklyn-based 3-piece band with no bassist delivers a grindcore sound that is more punk influenced than it is metal. However it is not all hysterics, I do promise you there are some pretty delicious sludgy breaks for us southern babes. This brutal record rides at two tempos, fast and fast as f***, evenly paced between nasty, chunky grooves. The intensity is like being a passenger in a car about to hit a wall and suddenly the driver turns left down an incline just to head towards another wall. The extremely low fi production value is sure to slap you in the face but it only accents their already sonic and abrasive tone. Something about this decision in quality seems intentional to me in that it successfully blurs their minimal instrumental structure into a single vacuum of melodic feedback and blasts. TURN IT AHHHHP!!!
February 14, 2016
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