An LSU graduate unveiled a banner in the Louisiana Legislature’s Senate chamber Monday protesting proposed budget cuts to higher education and criticizing “one-time fixes” and “slacking” legislators in past legislative sessions.
Peter Jenkins, who graduated from LSU in December, told lawmakers to “save our schools” before being quickly escorted out of the chamber. The orange banner also read “save our schools” with the hashtag SOSLA, which Jenkins encouraged all to use when interacting with the campaign to protect Louisiana schools from devastating budget cuts.
“We need to be able to show our senators that students are watching,” Jenkins said. “We’re not just doing rallies. We’re not just having them call the legislators. We have students in the committees here. Our eyes are on them and we need them to do their jobs.”
Students from LSU and other schools have rallied in past weeks on the Capitol steps for the full funding of higher education, and leaders have told students to implore legislators to consider both cuts and revenue.
Jenkins said the Jindal administration cut services that affected the poorest state residents, and the new legislature and governor should look at statutory and constitutional dedications. Higher education is not dedicated by either.
After the interaction, lawmakers applauded Sen. Eric Lafleur, D-Ville Platte, for “reviving” a Sgt. At Arms who was having a heart attack earlier in the day by administering CPR.