Elections for president and vice president of the Residential Hall Association were supposed to be yesterday, but because of a few problems with the online voting computer program, the elections will be today instead.
David Dessauer, commissioner of elections for RHA, said the program had “a few glitches that needed to be worked out.”
Dessauer said RHA ran tests on Tuesday and found problems with the voting program.
Since they found problems, he said RHA decided it would be best to wait and have the elections today.
There is only one presidential candidate and one vice presidential candidate running, so students cannot choose a winner.
Dessauer said RHA wanted to have the election anyway because RHA wants students other than RHA members to know who will lead RHA next year.
Amy Scales, a secondary education junior, is the presidential candidate and Denelle Walker, a communication studies junior, is running for vice president.
All students living on campus will receive an e-mail with a reminder of the election and a link to the ballot.
Students can vote until midnight on their PAWS desktop.
RHA elections to be held today
April 14, 2005