Six ways to celebrate Women’s History month
courtesy of The Reveille
1. Get friends together a Steel Magnolias-When Harry Met Sally-Emma-Bridget Jones’s Diary- Dirty Dancing-Pretty Woman slumber party/moviefest.
Lindsey deBlieux, photo editor 2. Go out and buy a girl drinks, not just because she is hot and you want her, but out of appreciation for the fact that she will out live you by approximately seven years.
Mark Glaviano, graphic artist 3. Take in some educational literature on the topic, like Anne Heche’s inspiring tell-all book, “Call me Crazy.” Exploring some of the finer points in a Women and Gender studies class and taking in a Lifetime Original movie would top it off perfectly.
Ben Leger, staff writer 4. Visit all the special women in your life — mom, grandmother, aunts, friends. Afterall, they’re there to listen on the bad days and help make the good days better.
Christina Stephens, opinion editor 5. Drive around with the windows open singing girl anthems like “Bitch” by Meredith Brooks and Janis Joplin’s “Break Another Little Piece of My Heart.”
Kristen Meyer, managing editor 6. Celebrate with the most sensitive, attractive male on campus, The Loud Speaker Larry Holder. He will even let you get away with not performing the courtesy test, but only in March.
Larry Holder, assistant sports editor compiled by Heidi Cenac
Six ways to celebrate Womens History month
By Heidi Cenac
February 20, 2002