College Democrats — An important meeting will be held in the Council Room of the Union at 7 p.m. to discuss the Senate runoff and executive board nominations. Be there!
Millennium Volunteers of LSU — A dynamic service organization working on behalf of at-risk youth in Barbados and here at home. To find out more, come to Room 225 Coates at 6 p.m. today.
Vietnamese Student Association — General meeting will be held today at 7 p.m. in Allen Hall, Room 139. If you missed our date auction, here’s your chance to see it along with our own version of MTV cribs. Refreshments will be provided along with a chance to win door prizes.
Career Services — Media and Business Communication Employer Panel. Visit with Media and Business Communications professionals representing different positions, backgrounds, and experiences in the Union Colonnade Theater from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Women Organizing Women — WOW’s next general body meeting will be held today at 5 p.m. at the Women’s Center on Raphael Semmes Rd. We will discuss rape kits.
BLOCK & BRIDLE — All Student Rodeo. Any LSU student may participate. Sign-ups are before the rodeo behind the Coliseum. The show starts at 7 p.m. In Parker Coliseum. Any questions? Email [email protected].
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING — Sophomores, Juniors and seniors come join us for the Louisiana Engineering Society Jambalaya Dinner at 6 p.m. in the South Courtyard of CEBA. This event is FREE and is a great career enhancement opportunity.
ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA — Initiation Ceremony for fall applicants. Ceremony will be held in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom and begins at 5:30 p.m., but if being initiated please arrive no later than 4:30 p.m.
ALPHA PHI OMEGA — Cancer Awareness Table Sit. Come by and expand your knowledge. We will be in Free Speech Alley from 10 a.m to 2 p.m.
PRE-LAW SOCIETY — Representatives from Loyola and Tulane will discuss their schools and admission standards. Join us in the Red River Room of the Union at 6 p.m.
PRSSA — Meeting on Crisis Communication. Speakers will be present from University Relations and EBR Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District. Join us in the Feliciana Room of the Union at 5 p.m.
PSI CHI/PSYCHOLOGY CLUB — Join us for pizza and hear Dr. Alicia Pellegrin, clinical psychologist, speak about her practice and career at 4:45 p.m. in 104 Audubon Hall. Remember, induction is Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. Come to the meeting for more information or email [email protected].
MIU:2 — FREE improv comedy performance TODAY at noon in the Union Plaza in front of the bookstore. The cast of MIU:2 will preview the competition taking place tonight and Saturday night in the Colonnade. Sponsored by the UPC Lively Arts committee.
LSU CHANCELLOR’S DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES — Phyllis Moen will speak on “Careers, Gender and the Changing Life Course” at 2:30 p.m. in the Hill Memorial Library (Room 104). Reception following.
ROTARACT — Please join us for a general meeting at 4:45 p.m. in the Vieux Carre Room. Updates about the shadowing program and the Alzheimer’s Walk will be given, and don’t forget about your chance to win a door prize!
WOMEN’S CENTER — Interested in volunteering? Help plan Women’s History Month in March 2003. A general interest volunteer meeting will be held at 4:45 p.m. in the Women’s Center, Helen Carter House, Raphael Semmes Road.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA — Come enjoy an evening of mingling and jazz at the Wine and Cheese Social. Wear after 5 attire and come to the African American Cultural Center at 7 p.m.
LSU BCM — Every Thursday the LSU BCM serves lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday lunches are just $1! Come fellowship with other Christians on campus!
CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER — Come praise God in song and prayer at Shared Praise of God starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Activity Center of Christ the King Church, located on the corner of Highland and Dalrymple.
LSU RUNNING CLUB — Join us for a meeting on the Laville Patio at 6 p.m.
PI SIGMA EPSILON — General meeting for all members at 6 p.m. in Room 2169 CEBA. Come get involved in the many projects and programs that now are getting started!
MODEL UNITED NATIONS (MUN) — Come discuss global issues and learn about our exciting plans for the semester. All majors invited to attend our meetings every Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Caddo Room of the Union.
IDEAS AND ISSUES COMMITTEE — Got issues? Got ideas? Come join the UPC Ideas and Issues Committee in selecting such speakers as Chief Richard Picciotto and Wally Amos to come to LSU. We meet every Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in the Orleans Room of the Union.
LSU NAACP — General Body Meeting will be at 5 p.m. in the AACC. Please bring a friend! T-Shirt orders will be accepted!
MIU:2 — LSU’s improv comedy competition, returns for a 3rd semester this week in the Colonnade Theater. Shows Thursday at 7:30 PM, Friday at 7:30 and 10:30 PM and the finals on Saturday at 7:30 PM. Tickets only $4 (Finals $5) at the Union box office, 578-5128. See eight teams of LSU students compete for the highly coveted “Crawfish Etrophee.” Sponsored by UPC Lively Arts Committee.
START — Student Technical, Application and Resource Training will be teaching Photoshop at 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Room B-26 Coates Hall.
FRIDAY, November 8
Alpha Phi Omega — Come join Alpha Phi Omega for a fun-filled night of games, go-karts, and food. Bring your kids and your kids at heart. Special packages are available for those who attend during this time. Join us at Celebration Station from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
BLOCK & BRIDLE — All Student Rodeo. Any LSU student may participate. Sign-ups are before the rodeo behind the Coliseum. The show starts at 7 p.m. In Parker Coliseum. Any questions? Email [email protected]
BLACK GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION — We will be attending the Jazz Ensemble today in the Union Theater at 8 p.m.
MIU:2 — FREE improv comedy performance TODAY at noon in the Union Plaza in front of the bookstore. The cast of MIU:2 will preview the competition taking place tonight and Saturday night in the Colonnade. Sponsored by the UPC Lively Arts committee.
MIU:2 — LSU’s improv comedy competition, returns for a 3rd semester this week in the Colonnade Theater. Shows Friday at 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. and the finals on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets only $4(Finals $5) at the Union box office, 578-5128. See eight teams of LSU students compete for the highly coveted “Crawfish Etrophee.” Sponsored by UPC Lively Arts Committee.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA — The Cold Front – Don’t miss the last House Party of the semester at the Alpha House at 10 p.m.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA — Women’s Appreciation and Relaxation BBQ featuring Dr. Katrice Albert at the LSU Women’s Center from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
HILL FARM COMMUNITY GARDEN — The Garden holds weekly meetings to plant and tend the garden. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend every Friday at 3:30 p.m.
START — Student Technical, Application and Resource Training will be teaching HTML at 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Room B-26 Coates Hall.
On campus this week..
November 7, 2002