Baton Rouge is under attack by a villain in its own community, who the profiles said is a predator that uses his “seemingly nice-guy” appearance to lure his victims.
Since last summer, local residents and officials have feared and searched for a serial killer who may be the guy next door. The recent Carrie Yoder murder reminded the community of the killer’s presence.
Although determining the mindset of a serial killer is not an exact science, several tendencies and patterns have emerged to form a generic profile. The local murders have added clues to the profile.
Serial killing is a willfully committed crime defined by one human taking others’ lives at intervals with motive and serious intent. Serial killers select their victims based on their desires, said Thomas Durant, a criminology professor.
“If we can understand the behavior of victims, we may better understand why the killer picks some over others,” he said.
Durant notices Baton Rouge’s serial killer is gender-based because he has been linked only to female deaths. The killer is race neutral because he has killed both black and white women.
Durant also observed that the killer tends to prefer outgoing, independent, assertive-aggressive women who live alone, based on the victims’ profiles.
Although officials still are forming the killer’s profile, each murder presents a clearer psychological profile because each case presents more evidence, Durant said.
Sociologists define serial killers as psychotic murderers who are motivated by some type of mental or psychological derangement and derive pleasure from inflicting violence on others. They are not insane; they are criminals who plan their behavior, Durant said.
Serial killers have a cycle pattern of killings which can have inconsistent intervals, such as that of the local killer. The inconsistency indicates the killer can control his urges to kill. He will wait until he finds the optimal circumstances, including his victim and time.
Durant said serial killers look for opportunities.
“If the opportunity is right, they are more likely to take advantage of the situation,” he said.
Based on past research, serial killers tend to think they are socially isolated from their family and peers, have exceptional intelligence and have bad family relations.
Durant suggested women, especially those who fit the profile, should avoid being alone at night and be cautious around unfamiliar people.
The local killer is driven, extremely careful and has an unexpected capacity for impulse control, said Dr. Drew Gouvier, a clinical psychologist specializing in adult brain dysfunctions.
“It’s hard to talk about the typical in something as rare as this,” he said. “He’s a criminal and needs to be responsible for his actions.”
Gouvier said the killer was able to stop when the heat was on, so the community should continue to defend itself. Based on the killer’s past behavior, he will not attack unless he has the opportunity.
“Be prepared; be alert,” he said. “Trust gut instincts. Keep guard up because awareness alone won’t promote safety.”
Victim reports have shown no signs of struggle, indicating the killer easily persuaded his victims.
Robin Silverman, an English freshman, said although she was around last summer when authorities announced a local serial killer, Yoder’s murder scared her.
Silverman said the serial killer’s profile stays in the back of her mind all the time, keeping her aware. However, she does not restrict her fears to the profile because it is vague.
“I’m suspicious of everyone,” she said.
FBI Profile
The following offender profile is provided by The Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) which is a component of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) which is located at the FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia. Criminal profiling is a process now known as “criminal investigative analysis.” Profilers, or Criminal Investigative Analysts are highly trained and experienced FBI Agents who study every behavioral and forensic aspect and detail of an unsolved violent crime scene in which a certain amount of psychopathology has been left at the scene. Psychopathology is an offender’s behavioral and psychological indicators that are left at a violent crime scene as a result of his physical, sexual, and in some cases verbal interaction with his victim(s). A profile, or criminal investigative analysis is an investigative tool, and its value is measured in terms of how much assistance it provides to the investigator. Baton Rouge law enforcement and the FBI recognize that it is not typical to publicly release any portion of a profile in a serial homicide investigation. However, it is the opinion of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) that there are persons in the Baton Rouge area who know this offender and may even suspect he is responsible for the deaths of Gina Green, Charlotte Murray Pace, and Pam Kinamore. Identifying what the BAU believes some of the offender’s key personality and behavioral traits, gleaned from the three crime scenes, may give the person who knows him, whether it is a co-worker, family member, or friend, the confidence to contact law enforcement.
It is important to note that no one or two traits or characteristics should be considered in isolation or given more weight than the others. Any one of the traits, or several, can be seen in people who have never committed a crime. Instead, these behavioral traits and characteristics should be considered in their totality.
Based on the age range of the victims and their physical appearances, the age of this male offender is estimated to be somewhere between 25 and 35 years of age.However, no suspect should be eliminated on the basis of his chronological age.
This offender is physically strong and capable of lifting a weight of at least 155 – 175 pounds. Crime Scene information indicates a shoe size of approximately 10 to 11. His socio-economic situation is likely average or even below average for the Baton Rouge area. In other words, his finances would be tight. His employment is likely to be in a job which requires physical strength, and does not involve significant or regular interaction with the public. He does not have a certain amount of mobility either from his employment, lifestyle or both.
These homicides occurred on two Fridays and a Sunday. It is possible that on these days this offender was not accountable to anyone, unlike the rest of the week where he was accountable due to his employment or for some other reason.
This offender appears to have developed limited information about the three victims – before the homicides. Because he put himself in a position to see them, observe them, or even casually run into them prior to the assaults, he would have obtained information about where they lived, and something about their patterns of behavior. However, it is important to point out that following these women could have involved merely “spot” checks which would not have raised the women’s level of suspicion or awareness. This offender may also have perceived more of a “relationship” with these women than what was there. He may have even “bragged” to other, co-workers, other male friends, about having different relationships with certain very attractive – well off- women, without identifying these women specifically.
This offender wants to be seen as someone who is attractive and appealing to women. However, his level of sophistication in interacting with women, especially women who are above him in the social strata, is low. Any contact he has had with women he has found attractive would be described by these women as “awkward”. He might demonstrate an overt interest in certain women, complimenting them, etc., is an effort to get closer to them. However, he may misperceive the intentions of some women who are “nice” to him because they don’t want to hurt his feelings. His misperceptions might cause him to think there could be more to their “friendship” than what the women perceives.
It is likely this offender spends a significant amount of time watching women and following those in whom he is interested. Whether he is at work, at a bar, on his days off, alone or with others, he watches women. At times, this behavior could be excessive and something he engages in to the exclusion of other daily activities. Watching women and following them would be exciting for him. When questioned about it, he would defend this behavior and attempt to normalize it by telling others “I just like women”.
This offender does not just follow women from a distance and it is possibly he will attempt to interact with them. He has interacted with other women in the Baton Rouge area that he has not killed. However, his low-key style would not have caused suspicion. What may draw attention to him is when his watching and following women becomes obviously inappropriate. He may be so intent on watching them, he can become almost oblivious when he “crosses the line”, and they finally notice him or even confront him about it. Persons who know this offender would likely be aware of his behavior and probably have made comments to him about it. He would deny his behavior is inappropriate.
Women who have been or will be questioned by investigators may not even think to mention this individual because he seems so harmless. The women he follows, watches, or interacts with may not even be aware of him because he “blends in” with the community and his physical appearance is normal. He may come across to some women as a “nice guy” who might have tried to get a little too close too soon, but otherwise is a non-threatening person. He may go out of his way to be helpful to women in an effort to get closer to them. This veneer of harmlessness is his shield of protection from suspicion.
This is a person who will not handle rejection-real or imagined-well, particularly by women, and he will become angry, sullen, and determined to retaliate.
There are behavioral aspects of each of the three assaults which are considered very high risk for the offender. This includes home intrusions at times when people are around, or could return home and find him. This high risk behavior exposes this offender to being identified or even apprehended. However, he does it anyway because it is probably enjoyable for him and adds to his sense of thrill and excitement. People who know this offender will recognize his propensity to engage in behavior which is high risk, to live on the edge – even in normal, everyday activities.
This is an “impulsive” individual. When determined to do something, he disregards the consequences of his acts. However, his impulsivity should not be confused with lack of planning. This impulsivity has likely brought him to the attention of law enforcement in the past, even if for seemingly minor offenses, including trespassing, breaking and entering, and peeping. His decision to attack each of the three women when he did may have been spontaneous or impulsive. However, because he had knowledge of these women’s schedules and lifestyles, it would have lessened the “recklessness” of having made a spontaneous decision.
The BAU believes that this offender lost control during the assault of Charlotte Murray Pace. Loosing control would have angered him. He does not like loosing control, and he would have been noticeably angry and agitated for sometime after the Pace homicide. People around him would have seen this agitation and will recall any disparaging remarks he might have made about Ms. Pace when her homicide was discussed – either by others or in the media. He would have appeared very interested in media reports following the homicide.
If the offender was accountable for his time on the day Pace was murdered, and he had to return to his normal schedule, his distraction would have been very noticeable to others around him. However, if at all possible, he would not have returned to his normal schedule, and his absence from that schedule would have been noted by others.
People who know this offender, know that he hates loosing control – even in everyday situations. But when he does, be becomes very agitated and upset – and blames other for what happens.
This offender is determined and mission oriented. Even under stress he is able to complete his assaults on his victims – which was his intention when he entered their residences. This ability to be cool under pressure, is also a trait that those who know him have seen in the past. At times, when others are upset, and unable to function, he will appear unaffected and detached.
This is a determined individual who likely became upset at certain times in the past twelve months since the death of Gina Green on Sunday, September 23, 2001. People who know him or were around him specifically during key critical times will be aware of his anger and would have seen his agitation. People should pay particular note of these times, which are outlined below.
(1) Following the death of Charlotte Murray Pace on Friday, May 31, 2002, this offender would have likely behaved in a very angry and agitated manner for a period of time. News reports and other mention of Ms. Pace and what happened to her would have precipitated his making particularly disparaging remarks about her, even blaming her for what happened.
(2) On July 10th, when it was made public that the Green and Pace homicides were connected through DNA, this offender would have again felt agitated and angry and seemed preoccupied. He might have asked those around him seemingly casual questions about the reliability of DNA analysis and how DNA is obtained. He would also make disparaging comments about law enforcement; for example, they were unable to solve these murders because whoever is responsible is too smart to get caught.
(3) This offender did not want, nor did he expect for Pam Kinamore’s body to be found. On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, when it was announced that her body was found near the Whiskey Bay Exit off of Interstate 10, he would have been noticeably upset – agitated, angry, and preoccupied. Those around him may recall his having made comments that there was no way the Kinamore murder was connected to the other two.
This offender may have even returned to the Whiskey Bay area – to scene where he left Kinamore’s body – because he was so perplexed about her having been found. This return to that area may have appeared to have been for “legitimate” reasons, for example he was “curious” about what the area looked like.
This offender has followed this investigation in the media. His attention to the media reports would be inconsistent with his prior behavior about current events in Baton Rouge, in which he displayed little interest. On Friday, July 12, 2002, two days after the announcement of the Pace and Green murders were connected by DNA, Pam Kinamore is taken out of her home. It is likely this change in his MO is a direct result of his having learned about the Pace-Green connection through the media.
If involved in a relationship with a woman, or living with a female, (mother, sisters, etc.), he can become unpredictably moody, volatile and abusive. These women would know this side of him and be afraid of him. They would also likely describe him at times as being cold and without empathy.
This offender may have given “gifts” to women in his life – even at times when there was no apparent reason. These gifts could have been wrapped as though they were new, and may have seemed strange to the receiver, because they did not reflect personal “taste” or it was something they neither wanted nor needed.
This offender will be very interested in the release of the “profile” information today. While on the outside he may try to appear very disinterested, he will in fact feel very anxious that some of his own traits as identified by the FBI might make him suspicious to others.
Since the Kinamore homicide this offender has felt less anxious and concerned about being arrested. His level of confidence has increased over time and things have returned to “normal” for him. However, the release today of some of the offender’s traits and characteristics will raise his anxiety level back up and also produce some paranoia in him. The offender now knows that he has made mistakes before, during and after the commission of these crimes, but he cannot go back in time and fix them. These mistakes make him vulnerable.
In addition to the mistakes he has made, this offender will likely to be very concerned about people around him who might suspect him. He will be concerned that once they read this profile they will recall specifically his agitation and anger at the critical times identified above. He will wonder about comments he might have made in the past concerning these homicides and the victims, and to whom he made these comments. This paranoia will continue for a while, particularly since he does not know what the entire “profile” says about him, and he does not know what will happen next in the investigation as a result of the release of this information. If he is still in the Baton Rouge area he may be tempted to leave at this time – at least temporarily. However, he is concerned about how his absence would look to others.
This offender will likely be concerned when and if law enforcement begins “to close in” on him. For example, if employed at a location where “scent evidence” had been discovered by the bloodhounds, he may remark about this evidence. These remarks will be disparaging ones such as, “scent evidence” is unreliable.”
If this individual is employed with or affiliated with any “scent evidence” locations discovered by the bloodhounds, it is likely he will be interested in the investigation and will attempt to monitor it somehow. He will ask questions particularly of those people he knows he was around at the times indicated in the profile. However, this offender is also likely to find ways to separate himself – legitimately – from work. This could include taking vacation, sick leave, transferring, looking for a new job, or resigning without notice.
Trineisha Dene’ Colomb Homicide – Addendum
The following addendum is being provided to the original assessment which was released in September 2002. It is based on a review of information to date regarding the abduction and murder of Trineisha Dene Colomb. Should additional information become available, this addendum could change or be modified.
Trineisha Colomb’s vehicle was seen at approximately 1:30pm on Thursday November 21. Her vehicle, a black 1994 Mazda MX3 was parked, keys in the ignition, along Robbie Road in Grand Couteau. People were working and conducting normal business in this area during that period of time. As in the three other homicide cases, this is very high risk behavior for the offender. He could not control who saw him, who recorded his license plate number, or noted his description.
The offender drove with the victim in his vehicle for approximately thirty miles to a very specific location in Western Lafayette off of Renaud Drive.Even though there were other locations much closer, the offender chose to “risk it” and drive the distance to the Renaud Drive location.
The area off of Renaud Drive is a residential, farming, and light industrial area. There are any number of people around during the day conducting normal business. It is also an area used by hunters and four wheel drivers. There would be a randomness to when someone might be in this area, working or recreating. However, this offender felt comfortable enough in spite of this activity, to take Trineisha there. This offender is familiar with this specific location, and knew about it beforehand.
Triseisha’s body is found approximately 250 – 300 yards off of the roadside in a moderately wooded area which is extremely muddy and difficult to traverse. It would have been difficult for him to walk this area while controlling the victim.
The actual site where the attack occurred and where the victim was ultimately found provided concealment for him and emphasizes how well he knew this area. The offender did not want the victim’s body to be found and made a concerted effort to prevent that from happening. His knowledge of this location comes from living, visiting , or working in this area.
On Sunday November 24th Trineisha Colomb’s body was found, and on Monday December 23, it was announced that evidence was obtained to link her homicide through DNA to the other three victims in Baton Rouge. The offender would have been noticeably upset after these announcements. Those close to him, a friend or a relative, would have noted this behavior.
Because of the high risk and impulsive behavior seen in this crime this offender made mistakes which he cannot go back and fix. His only way of monitoring the progress of the investigation and asses the mistakes he made is to follow the media reports. People close to the offender would be aware that between November 21 and 24th, and again on December 23 when the announcement was made regarding the DNA, this person was paying very close attention to the news, might be out of character for him.
This crime occurred on a Thursday in the early afternoon. The offender probably was not accountable for his time on that date giving him the opportunity to complete the abduction and homicide. If he was accountable for his time, the person to whom he was accountable, would be aware of his unscheduled absence.
This offender has attacked women either in their homes, or, as in this case, outdoors, exposing himself to any number of risks. He took Pam Kinamore and Trineisha Columb to secondary locations after abducting them. These secondary locations were both outdoors and a significant distance from the abduction site. His selection of secondary sites may be based on the fact he lives with others and could not take the victim to his “comfort zone”.
It is the opinion of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI that this offender lives with and/or works with other people who will recognize the following personality traits believed to be associated with him. The following behavioral traits should be considered in their totality. Impulsive – Acts suddenly and seemingly without thought or deliberation; tends to disregard the consequences for his behavior and actions
Angry – These attacks involve a very unique type of violence. It is an unprovoked violence. This tendency to act out aggressively toward someone, without any apparent reason, has been witnessed by others who live or work with him. He has likely been involved in any or all of the following: domestic abuse, workplace violence, random assaultive behavior, threatening behavior, etc. People who know this offender may be intimidated by him because of his erratic, spontaneous temper.
Lack of empathy – There is an obvious disregard for these victims. This offender is concerned about being caught. His coldness and lack of regard for others would be noted in other areas of his life especially by family members who have been hurt by his lack of concern. His emotions are usually shallow and even inappropriate at times.
“Following Behavior” – This offender has the ability to follow women and watch them while not being noticed or alerting them. When the opportunity presents itself, this person is prepared and willing to act out – in spite of many risks. He engages in this following behavior a great deal of time
Need for high risk – Thrill: These attacks, including the most recent one, contain a very distinct high risk aspect which is unnecessary to the commission of the crime. This suggests this offender may have a need for risk and thrill even in other areas of his life and he will engage in activities which satisfy this need.
Tendencies, patterns help officials form profile
March 20, 2003

Tendencies, patterns help officials form profile