With our grand country preparing for yet another brutal war, which is sure to display our dominance over the rest of the feeble-minded people of the Earth, I can only sit and wonder how this world has changed so much people can actually oppose violence.
Throughout the history of this glorious planet, communities, city-states, countries, etc., have exhibited their competitive nature by invading other countries illustrating their supremacy.
The Roman Empire, the Crusades, Colonialism; these are all examples of societies whose competitive nature caused them to start wars for the purpose of demonstrating their own magnificence.
For some unknown reason, the people of Earth have begun to think this is somewhat barbaric. The competitive nature still envelopes their beings, but the fierce violence of killing people because of a difference in philosophy has become a bit uncivilized.
Athletic events can be traced back all throughout history and were popular in many cultures. Sports were used for training. Training for hunting and fighting battles, but it wasn’t until the advent of true-civilized mankind that sporting events became the game of choice to feed their competitive nature instead of war.
“War — huh. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”
The lyrics to Edwin Starr’s “War” do not represent only the thoughts of a few hippies during the anti-war movement of the 1960s and 70s. They represent the view of a growing population, many of whom would rather harness their competitive nature with a friendly game of basketball.
Countries and cities across the globe stand behind their local boys and girls when they show off their athletic abilities in an arena. After the game nobody is dead, but one group has bragging rights over the other.
Their cultures do not change. Their families are not short one brother. And after the game, bitter enemies are able to brush aside their differences and shake each other’s hands.
This is why sports are a dominating aspect of our society. We love competition, but we have found war to be somewhat sadistic.
This liberal pacifist has a proposal that may save lives, but still cause Saddam Hussein to rid his country of weapons so the world can sleep easier.
Instead of declaring war President Bush, why not challenge Hussein to an arm wrestling match or a game of golf.
The game can be aired live on television. This will raise money for the television companies, ad sales will go through the roof, thus lifting the economy which is in desperate need of a boost.
If you win Mr. President, Iraq has to yield to Western culture and give up his alleged arms. If you lose, then Hussein along with Osama can unite and, well, a deal is a deal.
And in my utopia, there would be no need for weapons of mass destruction. There would be no need to train people to kill. The training would give people the skills to play sports, further propelling their country into a world power of athletics.
It may sound silly, but it could possibly work. Nevertheless, if war is inevitable so be it. But we should always look for other options to settle disputes — like a game of cricket.
War, what is it good for?
February 14, 2003