The Student Organization Fair will be held today in Free Speech Alley for the first time, according to Center for Student Leadership and Involvement coordinator Michelle Lowery.
Although the fall student organization fair is held in the Exxon quadrangle in conjunction with Fall Fest, the spring fair usually is held in the Union Cotillion Ballroom. Renovations to the ballroom forced the fair to move outside.
“I think we’ll get more foot traffic in Free Speech Alley, especially people coming to and from classes,” Lowery said. “Not everyone can get to the ballroom.”
Lowery said she would like to have the future organization fairs in Free Speech Alley but would like a backup plan to use the ballroom in case of rain.
The purpose of the organization fair is two-fold, Lowery said.
Registered student organizations can recruit members for the spring semester, but interested students also can browse through the tables to see if they have the time and desire to join an organization.
According to CSLI, about 100 organizations will participate this year, including the Union Program Council committees.
“I think this is the largest one we’ve ever had in the spring,” Lowery said.
Most organizations have applications available at the organization fair, and organizations that require fees or an interview will have additional information.
The fair is scheduled to run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In case of rain, CSLI will postpone the fair until Feb. 12.
Fair invites students to ‘browse’
February 5, 2003