Thirteen LSU students have received the Institute for Internal Auditor’s William S. Smith Student Highest Achievement Award for having the highest overall student score on the IIA’s Certification Internal Auditor exam internationally. However, only one student in the 29-year history of the exam has made the highest overall student and professional score in the world.
MBA student Allyson d’Aquin will be the first student ever to receive the IIA’s Gold Medal Award for the highest 2002 score among students and practitioners. D’Aquin was the only American among the top six highest scorers from Belgium, the Philippines, Germany and Canada. The Certification Internal Auditor exam assesses the competence in the principles and practices of internal auditing.
Q. What you’ve done is quite an accomplishment. What do you think helped you do so well on the exam?
“A combination of Dr. [Glenn] Sumners’ program [LSU Center for Internal Auditing director] and my background in business and accounting. I worked all through undergraduate school in an accounting office and did two internships, one with Arthur Andersen and one with ExxonMobil. And putting in tons of time and effort in studying.”
Q. Have you always excelled academically?
“Yes. I was summa cum laude in undergrad, and I’ve maintained a 4.0 in the MBA program, so far. I thought I was capable of winning the [student] award. But the Gold Medal, I was like ‘Whoa!'”
Q. What is internal auditing and what interested you about it?
“It’s basically focusing on a company’s financial and operational processes in order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall company goals. It helps to make the operation run more smoothly. Internal auditing complements the organization instead of just evaluating it. It’s not as confrontational as external auditing. It’s a good way to learn a lot about a corporation and develop professionally. It’s great to learn, so one day I can manage a company. And I like to travel.”
Q. In your opinion, how hard was the exam?
“It was difficult in that it was broad. The questions were application-of-knowledge questions. Since I’ve had the background in undergraduate and graduate school, it was easier to absorb.”
Q. Had you already accepted a job with ExxonMobil when you took the exam?
“Yes, they offered me a job before the end of my internship with them.”
Q. Has your accomplishment increased your stock with them? Maybe a higher salary?
“It didn’t change my salary amount, that I know of, but it’s made for more recognition from the management. They know who I am now. It has probably raised their expectations.”
Q. Has this accomplishment changed your career goals in any way, made you think bigger?
“No. I’ve always had this career in mind. This helps.”
Q. Do you expect more from yourself now?
“Yes. For instance, I’m taking the CPA exam in May, so there’s more pressure to pass all four parts the first time.”
In a minute – a brief interview
February 5, 2003