Five local bands will fight Friday night for the opportunity to become the opening act at Groovin’ on the Grounds in the Spring.
The Battle of the Bands will feature five bands – Groundview, Kelvin, Last Chance Dave, Monophonic and Paperstreet.
Jesse Gomez, co-director for Students on Target, said this year’s competition is going to be different from the previous Battle of the Bands.
“It’s held within Late Night at LSU,” Gomez said. “Because it’s at Late Night, people either have to be LSU students with an LSU ID or a guest with an LSU student with an ID to get in.”
The competition is scheduled for tomorrow at the Union from 10:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.
“I hope this move would be more beneficial because a lot of students come to Late Night in general,” Gomez said. “I would hope that more people who normally wouldn’t be able to hear these bands … would just stop by to hear them.”
Gomez said the previous advisor and director for Students on Target already decided to have the competition in conjunction with Late Night at LSU.
“Tigers After 10 was willing to do it,” Gomez said. “They actually provided some money, and it was a good day to happen so it just worked out.”
A panel of judges will determine the winner by looking at different criteria for each bands such as performance and audience reaction.
The panel will be comprised of people representative of LSU’s campus including faculty members and members from student media.
Gomez said using judges is better than having audience applause determine the winner.
“I think the judge system is more fair,” Gomez said. “Some people just have more friends that could show up at one time… [where the winner would not be determined] by who has the better performance.”
Gomez said Students on Target has not determined the main act for Groovin’ on the Grounds.
Battle for opening act Friday
November 6, 2003