The Tiger football team is prepared to “white out the gators” Saturday with the help of thousands of LSU fans.
Sports Information Director Michael Bonnette said the Athletic Department is asking all Tiger fans to wear white to Saturday’s football game in support of the team.
Jenni Peters, marketing and promotions manager, said white shirts will help provide a uniform look for the fans.
Peters said Tiger Concessions, which has several stands outside the stadium, will be selling a limited edition white T-shirt with the logo “Kickin’ Tail.”
Bonnette said the “white out” theme originally stemmed from a few years ago when opposing coaches refused to allow the Tigers to wear the traditional white jerseys while playing home games.
Although the Tigers will wear white at Saturday’s game, Peters said the “color game themes” have been a success in the past.
The Athletic Department chose the color white because Peters already has planned a “Shake, Rattle and Gold” campaign for the LSU vs. Auburn game on Oct. 25, Peters said.
At the Auburn game, fans will be able to wear gold to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the “earthquake game,” when a game-winning touchdown celebration caused the crowd’s eruption to register as an earthquake on the seismograph in Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex.
Office asks fans to wear white
October 10, 2003