Students will have a chance to express their opinions and ask questions about fees and other campus issues with Chancellor Mark Emmert at the first ever “Chat with the Chancellor” today in the Union.
The monthly event, which is sponsored by Student Government, is meant to open discussion between Emmert and students about important campus issues, said SG Executive Assistant Michelle Gieg.
Gieg said SG wants to allow students to get answers and gain an understanding directly from the man who makes most of the decisions that affect them at the University.
The floor will be open for discussion and questions after Emmert gives a short opening talk, Gieg said.
SG chose student fees as the main topic of discussion at the first “Chat” because of the recently implemented Academic Excellence Fee, which cost each student more than $200, said SG President Allen Richey.
“We want to promote understanding and promote discussion about the way the fee was implemented,” Richey said.
Richey said he has not decided officially on the topic for the next “Chat” because he wants to leave the door open in case a new issue arises, but SG will host a forum each month during the fall semester.
Today’s forum, which is open to all students, is in the Atchafalaya room on the third floor of the Union from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
SG forum lets students ‘chat’ with Emmert
September 9, 2003