In the latest blueprints, the Rec Center renovations committee is planning on installing a rock climbing wall inside one of the racquetball courts. The new rock climbing wall will be placed in the court currently used for spinning classes, while the stationary bikes will be moved to the court to its left.
Currently, the Rec Center renovations committee is accepting bids for the climbing wall.
“It’s about a nine-month project,” Purdy said. “It should be done for the spring semester.”
The funding for the rock climbing wall comes from the $15 a semester fee bill increase that began last fall.
Elaine Purdy, Rec Center director, said many students expressed interest in building a rock climbing wall in the Rec. Purdy said among the committee members, which includes a variety of students, “the wall was way up there in priority.”
The rock climbing wall will cover three walls of the court and will include three different levels of difficulty: beginning, intermediate and advanced. Students will be able to rent the equipment needed to climb the wall at the equipment desk on the first floor of the Rec.
Purdy said she’s not worried about losing the racquetball space despite the heavy use of the courts in the evenings.
“We still feel strongly we’ll be able to service racquetball players,” she said. “We feel we can comfortably take off a few racquetball courts.”
Purdy said students can reserve courts ahead of time to ensure availability.
Chad Nuzum, an LSU alumnus who worked on the Rec Center renovations committee in fall 2002, said he would not use the climbing wall but thinks it will be a good thing for the LSU community.
“In the surveys that came back, a lot of people had [the climbing wall] on [their list],” Nuzum said. “There’s people who will go to the Rec Center and not use the other equipment but will use the climbing wall.”
Purdy said students also have expressed interest in an outdoor climbing tower. She said the Rec Center is looking into that suggestion and will be working to expand its outdoor adventure program, which already includes canoe and kayak rental.
The Rec Center also plans to improve the spinning room. The current one is simply a racquetball court with stationary bikes placed on it. Purdy said the cycling classes are very popular, so the Rec is looking to add better ventilation, some laser lights and an entertainment system that could project videos such as a bike ride through France.
“That’s a popular program and I think it’ll get more popular with more space,” she said.
The planning committee also has worked a cafe into the proposed blueprints. Purdy said the Rec Center is still unsure what type of cafe they want to build.
“In most of the universities we’ve studied, their food courts have not worked.” she said. “However, it’s on our list.”
Purdy said the committee is leaning toward an Internet cafe. They are considering moving the Internet stations from the racquetball court area to the front of the Rec where the cafe is considered. Purdy thinks the best option would be to sell smoothies and yogurt-type items.
Purdy said the committee is working on designing a lounge area.
“Students said they wanted a place to gather,” she said.
The Rec is planning on creating a lounge area in the hallway between the equipment desk and the racquetball courts. Purdy said the hard cement benches will be replaced with new chairs and tables. The committee has already picked out rug patterns for the new lounge.
“We hope to have the new furniture in by the fall,” Purdy said.
There has been a delay with one renovation project. The new fields to be built at Gourrier and River Road have gone over budget.
However, she feels a contract should be set soon and construction will begin this summer. The new fields will have restrooms, a meeting room and onsite storage.
Nuzum said despite the delay in the new fields project, he thinks the renovations are coming along at a good pace.
“We planned for three fields,” Nuzum said. “Elaine said it’s not coming along as fast as she’d like, but we’re making progress.”
The committee is looking at three different blueprints and will meet July 7 and 8 to discuss the plans.
Students interested in voicing their opinions on how the student Rec fees should be used are encouraged to go to the Rec Center.
“Go by the Rec Center and leave your name and number with Elaine Purdy,” said Nuzum. “Say you’re interested in the design and renovation of the Rec Center.”
Purdy said student involvement is very important to her.
“This is the students’ building,” she said.
Purdy said the Rec Center plans to stay open throughout the renovation process.
Signs of Growth
June 11, 2003