Students will be given the opportunity to discuss the University’s Flagship Agenda with the Chancellor today.
“Chats with the Chancellor,” a Student Government-sponsored forum that gives students the opportunity to have their questions answered directly by Chancellor Mark Emmert, will take place today from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Union Atchafalaya room.
The topic for today’s chat will be the Flagship Agenda, but Michelle Gieg, Student Government executive assistant, said Chats is an open-forum discussion and a variety of questions are welcome.
Gieg said the program facilitates communication between students and decision makers on campus.
“I’ll be interested to find out what issues are important to students,” said Gieg. “[No one] knows what students are really thinking.”
Gieg said the chancellor will be joined by other experts to answer questions about the Flagship Agenda and University programs.
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Frank Cartledge and Reveille in-depth reporter Jaci Cole will join Emmert to answer questions about the Flagship Agenda. Human Ecology professor Teresa Summers will attend to answer questions University’s summer reading program.
Gieg said a Chat about the Flagship Agenda has been in the works for a while. She said discussing the Agenda is important because it will be the University’s plan for the next 10 years.
“After the Reveille article on the Flagship Agenda, we felt like students had a base of knowledge to talk with the chancellor about it,” said Gieg.
She said it is important to discuss the Agenda now because students can still have an influence on it this early in the planning stages.
Gieg says students submit their questions to the chancellor on an index card with their name and contact information. Questions that do not get answered by the chancellor during the program will be forwarded to his office and answered later.
Students unable to attend today’s Chat can voice their concerns by writing a letter to the editor or contacting their student senator.
Gieg said that many students do not know enough about the Flagship Agenda. She said she hopes the program will provide them with more information.
Open for Discussion
March 9, 2004