The University of Washington introduced LSU Chancellor Mark Emmert as the new UW president at a Monday afternoon press conference in Seattle.
Emmert said it was great to be back home, and called his new position the “last stop” in his career.
Emmert is a native of Tacoma, Wash., and received his bachelor of arts degree in political science from UW.
Bob Roseth, UW news and information director, said while no one at the press conference announced a signed agreement, contract negotiations are nearly complete.
The Seattle Times reported Sunday that UW officials hope to have a salary package ready for Emmert as early as Wednesday.
According to published reports, UW officials are hoping Emmert can begin as president July 1. Emmert said in an e-mail Sunday he would likely remain as LSU chancellor for the rest of the spring semester.
LSU System President William Jenkins said although he did not see the press conference, it appears the matter is more settled than it was previously.
Jenkins said he cannot begin working on procedures for the transition to a new chancellor until he knows Emmert’s official starting date at UW.
But Jenkins said he plans to meet with members of the LSU Board of Supervisors and Board of Regents later this week to discuss plans for replacing Emmert.
At UW, Emmert said one of his first priorities will be improving its troubled athletic department, which is currently is without an athletic director and is facing sanctions after investigations into gambling.
— The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Emmert accepts UW presidential position
March 23, 2004