To stay in stride with other research-based universities, the E.J. Ourso College of Business is planning a minor change to entry-level economics courses.
Rob Hines, the assistant dean of the business college, said the school did not change the course description or content, but simply changed the course sequence.
ECON 2020, the principles of microeconomics, will become ECON 2000 starting in the fall.
ECON 2010, the principles of macroeconomics, will be the second half of the sequence.
Hines said the change in the six-hour sequence will make more sense for students.
“Students will take 2000 first, then 2010,” Hines said. “It’s no different. All we did was change the number.”
For business students, the two courses are pre-requisites for many upper level business courses, and students must take the sequence.
But, for non-business majors with an economics requirement, students are still able to take ECON 2030, which will not be affected by the change.
ECON 2030 is a combination of macroeconomics and microeconomics.
For students interested in fulfilling their economics requirement at a community college such as Baton Rouge Community College, Hines said it is not suggested for business majors because BRCC is not making the sequence change.
“[The change] is for better academics,” Hines said. “BRCC hasn’t changed their sequence.”
However, Cathleen Jackson, a counselor for the Manship School of Mass Communication, said mass communication students may take the ECON 2030 equivalent at BRCC if they have less than 60 hours.
Business school plans to alter class sequence
April 27, 2004