Despite the recent controversy surrounding this year’s Black Student Union elections, the newly-elected leaders are determined and inspired to move forward — and inspiration was the overall theme of last night’s BSU Inaugural Ceremony.
Outgoing BSU President Brandon Smith stood before a modest audience and delivered his last speech as BSU president.
“Tonight we look forward to a new day,” he said as he and outgoing Vice President Landon Franklin swore in the new BSU executive staff members.
Jennifer Grace, the incoming president, described next year’s executive staff as “innovative, enthusiastic, and well-suited” to lead and support the members of the BSU and the entire campus.
“We have many goals for this next year,” Grace said. “And, many of them deal with increasing communication.”
Grace said one goal of the BSU is to drastically increase political awareness with regards to the upcoming national presidential race.
“We are also seeking to improve communication with our Student Government,” she said. “Brad Golson, the newly-elected SG president, and I have met and begun opening lines of communication that we are confident will be both effective and efficient.”
Grace said another one of the BSU’s goals to increase its communication with the black student organizations that make up BSU.
“We would like to develop closer ties with these organizations to provide them with the best support possible,” she said.
Grace said many of next year’s programs are geared towards increasing the level of knowledge and awareness among African American students and bettering the community as a whole.
“No one of this staff is here to serve ulterior motives,” she said. “And, through our programming and events, the student body will see that we are truly interested in serving them.”
Grace acknowledges the controversy that has occurred with BSU in past weeks, but said she will not allow it to affect her positive outlook for the new BSU administration.
“The controversy did set us back,” she said. “But, BSU members do not hold negative views about this organization or what we plan to do in the future. We will continue to soar to new heights.”
Shannon Harris, an elementary education sophomore, said she was excited and thrilled to be the new BSU education and outreach chair, but she would have some big shoes to fill.
“Erica Washington, the outgoing chair, was great in this position,” Harris said. “So, I have a lot to aspire to.”
Harris is optimistic about the BSU’s future.
“I think Ms. Grace will do a great job as president,” she said. “I put all my faith in her.”
New BSU leaders sworn in
April 14, 2004