LSU alumnus and East Baton Rouge Mayor-President-elect KipHolden will once again share the halls with University studentsuntil moving into the third floor of the Governmental Buildingdowntown after his inauguration in January.
Paul Favaloro, director of facility services, said he receivedword last Friday that Holden and his transition team would occupythe second floor of Johnston Hall, recently vacated when theadministration of the Manship School of Mass Communication movedinto the newly renovated Journalism Building.
“It was an easy accommodation to make,” Favaloro said. “It was avacant space that was between departments.”
Favaloro said Holden’s team would be responsible for phonecharges, copier and furniture rental, but was not sure about thearrangement made regarding utilities.
Favaloro said other than moving furniture, Facility Services didnot have to do much beyond normal housekeeping to get Johnston Hallready for Holden.
“We were happy to accommodate them,” Favaloro said.
Holden Team to occupy Johnston Hall
November 10, 2004