Music and Dramatic Arts Sen. Brian Drake said he does not likeseeing Jessica Pivik’s sex column in The Reveille.
So, at Wednesday night’s Student Senate meeting, he askedsenators to question why they give funds to a school newspaper whopublishes her “distasteful” column, and encouragedanyone who feels the same to come see him.
“Let’s talk about penis enlargement,” Drakesarcastically told the Senate. “Certain topics like that Idon’t feel comfortable talking about.”
Drake said the sex column does not have a place in a schoolnewspaper, and readers do not see “that junk” in TheNew York Times or Washington Post.
“I’d like to write a resolution asking The Reveillenot to print it,” he said after the meeting. “Idon’t know who agrees with me, but I would like to findout.”
University College Center for Freshman Year Sen. Matt Detiveauxechoed Drake’s comments and said he was offended byPivik’s January column when she referred to women as vendingmachines.
“Just remember this — girls are like vendingmachines, you have to put something in, before you get somethingout,” Pivik wrote in the column.
But Arts and Sciences Sen. Derek Petit told senators they needto stop trying to censor The Reveille and just leave it alone.
“Not everything you can take home to your family,”Petit said. “When you try to ban it, it makes it seem likeyou’re trying to be heavy-handed.”
The Senate also introduced and passed several resolutions tocongratulate and thank campus groups and an elected official.
The Senate passed a resolution to commend SG Commissioner ofElections Devin Reid and the Fall Election Board for their”outstanding work” with the fall elections.
Speaker Pro-Tempore Theresa LoBianco said the Election Boardcould have done a lot of unethical things, but remained honest.
Three major errors plagued the fall SG elections, the mostserious causing an entire rerun of the original Oct. 27election.
And it is not over yet.
Students voted in the runoff election Thursday, and results arescheduled to be announced tonight, but Sen. Adam Johnson filed aninjunction with University Court late Wednesday night asking themto review the reason for all five UCAC candidates being in arunoff.
In a race with five candidates vying for four seats, Johnsonsaid there is no point for a runoff because all it is doing isre-running the election.
University Court met last Thursday night and was expected tomake a decision late Thursday or Friday.
Senate Speaker Brandon Smith introduced a resolution tocongratulate East Baton Rouge Mayor-President-Elect Melvin”Kip” Holden on a “historic win.”
Smith was referring to East Baton Rouge Parish electing Holdenas its first black mayor-president.
The Senate put the resolution under immediate consideration andpassed it during the meeting.
To thank Project Geaux for their efforts to get studentsregistered to vote, the Senate passed a resolution commendingProject Geaux and its creators Michelle Gieg and Jessica Stewartfor their commitment to the community.
The bill said Project Geaux registered 1,200 people to vote andheld a mayoral forum, student-issue debate series and providedstudents with transportation to the polls.
Senate questions sex column, thanks campus groups
November 12, 2004