French professor Claude Vandeloise’s attorney David Bourlandsaid Vandeloise’s wife, who was found dead in their Garden Districthome last Friday, had a history of medical problems that may haveled to her death.
BRPD arrested Vandeloise for the manslaughter of his wife of 20years, Monique Beckers.
Police said emergency crews responded to a 911 call around 9:30a.m. from Vandeloise who reported that she was having medicalproblems. When police arrived at Vandeloise’s home they foundBeckers unresponsive in a bathtub. She was pronounced dead on thescene.
An autopsy showed Beckers died of a brain hemorrhage caused byblunt trauma.
Bourland said they still are in the early “discovery” stages ofthe case, but believes they will be able to prove Beckers’significant medical problems caused her death.
“I think we’re going to have this matter worked out,” hesaid.
Meanwhile, several students have come forward saying Vandeloiseis not capable of such an act.
But other students, still surprised by the incident, have saidthey thought Vandeloise was “kind of weird.”
University spokesperson Gene Sands said Vandeloise has beenplaced on paid administrative leave. Sands said the University willnot make any further decisions regarding his status until thecourts take legal action. He said he did not know if the FrenchDepartment was doing anything for concerned students.
Immediately after Monday’s article about Vandeloise, severalstudents e-mailed The Reveille in shock.
Amber Chambers, an art history senior, said in an e-mailVandeloise is her French 2102 professor. She said she thinks it is”awful what they are doing to this poor man.”
“He’s the nicest teacher I have ever met and these accusationsare insane,” she said in an e-mail.
But Juan Tanca, who has Vandeloise for French 3058, said healways thought Vandeloise was weird and is happier now that theclass has another professor.
Tanca said French professor Lucie Brind’amour took over theclass Tuesday.
He also said the French Department Chair Sylvie Dubois visitedthe class to inform students on Vandeloise’s situation. But Tancasaid Dubois said she did not know any further information besideswhat was already public.
Ryan Ardoin, a psychology and French sophomore, also hadVandeloise for French 3058, but recently dropped the class.
Ardoin said he thought Vandeloise was “one of those guys that isreally smart” and “just kind of weird.”
“But he didn’t creep me out,” Ardoin said. “He just wasn’t youreveryday guy.”
Vandeloise’s attorney says wife had medical problems
October 20, 2004