LSUPD arrested former University student Damian Liccketto onJuly 13, in connection with the June break-in at the Registrar’sOffice.
Employees in the Registrar’s Office discovered the office wasbroken into on the morning of June 30. Employees immediatelynotified LSUPD, and during an inventory search, police realized alocked file cabinet full of blank transcript forms was stolen.
Liccketto, of 2130 Stuart Avenue in Baton Rouge, apparently usedhis computer to forge transcript documents, then tried to use themto apply to transfer to Southeastern Louisiana University.
LSUPD Maj. Ricky Adams said an employee at SLU noticed adiscrepancy in the document and contacted SLU police.
Adams said after reviewing the document and talking to SLUofficials, LSUPD obtained an arrest warrant for Liccketto and asearch warrant for his home.
Adams said LSUPD found the file cabinet and blank transcripts.Officers also found MDMA (Ecstasy) and marijuana in Liccketto’shome and seized his computer.
Police later booked Liccketto at the East Baton Rouge ParishPrison for simple burglary, felony theft, computer fraud andpossession of MDMA and marijuana.
Suspect arrested on transcript theft charges
August 24, 2004