The Union Governing Board and Union Programming Council advisers selected a new president and vice president for both groups. Thomandra Sam, a psychology junior, and Laura Wilkinson, a speech communication junior, are the new officers.
Sam and Wilkinson are dual president and vice president for both the Union Governing Board and Union Program Council. The Governing Board makes decisions dealing solely with the Union, such as the Union Renovation plans, and UPC deals with programming and activities to get students involved on campus.
“In previous years, a president and three other vice presidents, led the governing board and programming council, but this year the advisers decided to have two people for more proficient and accurate work,” said Jo Ann Doolos, Union programming director.
“The fact that I have a hand in affecting change in student lives and the community, while watching students develop into leaders, motivates me to excel as a student leader for the LSU community,” said Sam.
Sam and Wilkinson are not only involved in Union activities, but hold other positions around campus.
“The Governing Board and UPC looks forward to getting more involved with student organizations and departments on campus this year,” said Sam. “They are looking to branch out beyond the Union to other areas on campus where they might be helpful.”
Sam believes serving the students, staff, faculty and alumni is the main goal for UPC and the Governing Board.
UPC is composed of committees such as Black Culture, Ideas and Issues, International, Lively Arts, Music and Mayhem, Pop Culture, Homecoming, Late Night LSU and Art Gallery, which are all student-led with Union official advisers.
But Sam and Wilkinson also give their time to the responsibility of the Governing Board.
“The Governing Board is an advisory group composed of students, faculty, staff and alumni which meets monthly,” said Shirley Plakidas, Union Director.
The Governing Board makes numerous policies which affect students, such as Union room reservations, Union renovations and how the courtyard space in front of the Union can be used.
Sam said UPC and the Union Governing Board advisers planned a student leader retreat for the new campus leaders, with workshops and focus groups to improve the students’ leadership abilities and the organization itself.
New UPC leaders focus on serving
January 29, 2004