In an effort to provide a home for students stressed out by finals, the Union will be extending its hours and providing extra services tailored to studiers.
Student Government Vice-President Jenny Byrd said the program, returning from a six-year absence, will provide students with a quieter environment to study than the coffee shops around campus.
In addition to providing areas for both quiet and group study, Byrd said tutoring will be provided in math, physics, chemistry and biology from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday of finals week.
Saundra McGuire, director of the Center for Academic Success, said the center will be partnering with SG to pay for the tutors.
“We are excited to be working with Student Government to provide this service to students,” McGuire said. “We hope students will take advantage of it.”
The hours of the Union information desk also will be extended to allow students to use the copy machines.
Toni Sparks, user services analyst for the Office of Computing Services, said the public-access computer lab in the Union will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. during finals week, closing two hours later than normal. The computer lab in CEBA will close at 11:30 p.m. and the lab in the Middleton library will close at midnight during finals week.
Byrd said LSU Dining will be donating “midnight snacks” and coffee for students.
Byrd said the Union will close at 2 a.m. on Monday and Tuesday and 11 p.m. Wednesday through Friday.
Union to extend hours during finals week
December 3, 2004