Makeup is an art form and a tool. One that, in modern memory, is used by women and girls to enhance their features and express themselves via the canvas of the face.
But… I think it’s time to give a gentle reminder that makeup and really all art forms is completely untouched by gender. No, really. Walk with me.
Looking at the past, we can see that makeup was used by men and women. To cover up disgusting pustules with lead and enhance and perhaps make pretty faces that only mothers could love. Makeup was just a tool, not really a refined enough enterprise to create art per se, but unmistakably for any shades of the binary.
Jumping back to the present, I see that there’s been a noticeable uptick in guys putting makeup on. From just a little tinted chap-stick and mascara to a bright and bubbly rouge with a chartreuse cut-crease and highlighter so bright it has passersby calling their ophthalmologist.
It’s no understatement that guys putting on makeup in any form isn’t well received (especially by conservatives). People will often proselytize that the average Joe putting on makeup is emasculating and unattractive. That it makes you gay.
And for these reasons, I say that the only thing that makes someone putting on makeup immediately ugly as all get out is if they suck at putting on makeup. Let me be clear here: makeup is hard. And it’s very easy to take a good face and make it bad.
As for makeup being emasculating, I’d argue that because of its origins being so unisex, it can’t really be emasculating. Though, this really comes down to perspective. To me, gender is entirely self-revolving. If someone wants to be masculine and put on makeup, I think it’s entirely easy for them to convey masculinity through makeup via contouring and other makeup tactics that create a more defined and traditionally perceived masculine visage.
It should be noted that men wearing makeup is not a scientifically proven method of finding out their sexual orientation. Multiple male celebrities have come about for putting on makeup, both gay and straight. From James Charles to Bach Buquen to Patrick Starrr, all these fellas put on makeup and have become popular for that, as well as for being hot.
And, to be very succinct, we as a society have such big proverbial fish to fry than getting pissy about men putting on foundation and blush. If you cannot find a bigger issue to focus on, might I recommend turning the page or clicking the screen until you run into our news section?
If absolutely nothing else, keep mean comments to yourself if you see a guy wearing makeup. Because at the end of the day, he’s just waiting for the day to end, same as you, dear reader. Even if his makeup is horrible.
Garrett McEntee is a 19-year-old English sophomore from Benton.
Opinion: BREAKING NEWS, men wear makeup. Get over it
By Garrett Mcentee, Opinion Columnist
November 23, 2024
Yoshihiro Kamichi, a 44-year-old office worker, receives makeup and gets his hair done by a makeup artist at Ikemen-Works, a makeup salon for men.