Since the first of January, I’ve heard and read nonstop news about Trump’s plans and proposals for our nation. While this is important, the ridiculousness of these proposals has been mind-boggling, and I can’t help but add my two cents.
Recently, I learned that Donald Trump is trying to cast aside birthright citizenship. Birthright citizenship means that if a person is born in a particular country, they are automatically citizens. It’s a self-explanatory concept, and it’s constitutional.
More specifically, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution states that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
To disregard this amendment by delegitimizing birthright citizenship is blatantly unconstitutional and should not even be given attention by Congress because of its absurdity. Unfortunately, that is not how our government functions.
Trump might be trying to combat birth tourism (source: White House Archives), which is the act of traveling to another country with the intent of giving birth so that your child can gain citizenship in said country. This doesn’t seem to be an issue, at least not to those with empathy.
Since we are aware of Trump’s associations with white supremacists, it is safe to presume that his plan to undermine the 14th Amendment is one rooted in racism despite his efforts to convince us that he seeks to restore our nation’s stability.
Whether you agree with birth tourism or not is not important. The fact of the matter is that breaching the supreme law of the land is unconstitutional. The reasoning behind Trump’s proposal is fatuous, and so is his attempt to pass this law.
I understand that the state of our border is chaotic and demands attention and regulation. Still, I strongly disagree with his approach to this matter and, truthfully, almost everything else he seeks to implement.
If Congress truly values democracy, then surely Trump’s will will be undone, as it threatens our collective legitimacy. However, again, we have been shown that what we desire in this country sometimes holds little to no value to politicians. It’s an unfortunate truth that most of us are finally awakening to.
With almost one month down and about four years left, I can only hope our nation does not collapse due to our President’s mind or lack thereof. I love my country and would hate to see it crumble further due to sheer incompetence and despotism.
Amyri Jones is a 23-year-old digital advertising and religious studies senior from Baton Rouge, La.