It happens all too often: students go to the Union to get lunch and once they’ve bought their food, they can’t find a table to sit at. Last semester, a simple solution was implemented to solve this problem.
In Fall 2024, LSU Student Government and Auxiliary Services partnered up to create signs in the Union that students can put on their tables to invite others to join them.
On the front the signs read, “Feel free to sit with me!” On the back they read, “The Union and Dining Hall can get crowded, and seating is limited. Place this card on your table to invite students to join you!”
Not only do the signs help with overcrowding but they also help students form connections and build a community.
The signs were pushed through student government by Kennedy Means, but the original idea was from a recent LSU alum and former member of student government, Tabari Bowser. Bowser says he came up with the idea for the signs because he likes talking to people and making friends. He wants to facilitate connections for others so everyone can become a “happy family.”
“We have a lot of people who just sit at four seated tables,” said Bowser. “So I was just like, what if we make “sit with me” signs so that if there’s one person sitting at a four-seat table and they actually want friends, they can be like, “Hey, you can sit with me.” Then that way we can all be a happy family at LSU.”