I first learned about manifestation in middle school while watching many viral wellness videos and Q&As via YouTube in 2016.
Suffice to say, I’ve always been interested in manifestation, journaling and affirmations ever since. As the years, generations and trends move on from one to another, manifestation has remained a constant trend and way of life that has consistently become popular.
Over the past few years, I decided to take this philosophy seriously and do my own research. Manifestation is defined as the demonstration, revelation or display of the existence, presence, qualities or nature of some person or thing.
However, the idea of manifesting is up to interpretation, meaning that the definition itself is all up to you; that’s the beauty of the practice. How you manifest, when you manifest and what you manifest for, you get to define. Different people and different belief systems above all manifestation can be manufactured in a way that benefits your wants and dreams.
The law of attraction is an extension of the manifestation practice. What you project physically, verbally and mentally all come to life.
If you think you haven’t been manifesting all your life, the good news is that you’re wrong. You manifest daily by thinking positively; therefore, your thoughts become your reality.
It’s difficult to just suggest that you change the way you think, but by being more aware of the negative critiques you give yourself and changing those into positives will help improve your attitude. If you’ve ever thought you were having a bad day and smaller inconveniences keep recurring, it’s not a coincidence; it’s because you attract what you believe in.
People also use manifestation as a tool for actively pursuing dreams and careers. What comes to mind when I think about manifestation and celebrities is a story Jim Carrey speaks about frequently.
Carrey has had an internationally successful career in comedic acting. But what most don’t know is that he is a very adamant advocate for manifestation and the law of attraction. Carrey often mentions that before getting his big break, he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars.
I remember discovering this story while I furthered my research on manifestation, and I thought it was logical and inspiring. My own personal theory concludes that if you choose to pour positivity into others and yourself, you can expect to receive that back from others and experience a ten-fold.
Some of the ways in which I incorporate manifestation into my daily routine are by putting sticky notes with positive affirmations on my bathroom mirror. I also have a few different journals: one to vent, one to write affirmations and one for gratitude.
I find that as soon as I wake up, I write down in my gratitude journal everything I am looking forward to and grateful for, as if some events have already happened. For example, if I want to get a perfect score on an exam, I write as though it has already come true.
If you take anything helpful from this article, let it be that being intentional in your way of thinking can be seriously rewarded in the long run.
Blair Bernard is a 21-year-old theater performance major from Lafayette, La.