1. Cryogenics 101 at the Pennington Biomedical Center
2. Scarf knitting with Bobby Jindal at the Old State Capitol
3. Have a snowball fight before 7 a.m. After that it’s just sleet, melted snow and broken dreams
4. Make sure the feral cats have a warm place to sleep
5. Ski down the Indian Mounds
6. Figure out which Instagram filter is perfect for your new polar landscape
7. Curl on the closed-off roads
8. Read all the copies of The Daily Reveille you’ve shoved in your backpack over the semester
9. Throw laundry detergent in the air and pretend it’s actually snowing
10. Make a Brother Jed snowman in Free Speech Alley so he doesn’t miss a day
But we all know we’ll just stream Netflix, crank our heaters and hide out under the covers like the true Southerners we are.