Most law school graduates are worried about passing the bar, but Ryan Chenevert has another contest on his mind.
The University and LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center alumnus was chosen by Cosmopolitan magazine to represent Louisiana in its Cosmo Bachelor of the Year 2012 Contest. He is pictured shirtless climbing out of a swimming pool in the November edition of the magazine.
Chenevert said he flew to New York for the photo shoot and will fly back for the winner announcement party.
Chenevert is the only lawyer of the 52 bachelors competing for the $10,000 grand prize, going up against personal trainers, Olympians, fire spinners and performers.
He is currently a judicial law clerk and works for District Judge Ralph Tureau.
Chenevert’s mother Peggy Chenevert said she was at first concerned for her son’s future career after he posed shirtless in the swimming pool for the magazine.
“Of course the first thing that went through my mind was ‘My goodness,’” she said. “What if one day he wants to run for a judgeship or political office? How would that look?”
But Chenevert’s current boss, Tureau, even voted for him online Oct. 1, the first day of voting, Chenevert said.
“I was really nervous about telling him about winning, and I wasn’t sure how he would take it,” Chenvert said.
His mother said the family is supportive and that she bought all six copies of the magazine at her local Albertsons the day she found out it was on stands, bragging to cashiers about her son’s appearance. She said she flipped through the magazine, with model Kate Upton gracing the cover, on the car ride home.
“There were three young ladies in the car next to me, and I guess snickering because they saw the cover,” she said.
She mouthed, “This is my son,” but said the girls didn’t seem to understand.
The only feedback that makes her feel uncomfortable is her “longtime lady friends” calling her son “hot,” Peggy said.
Chenevert said he has received attention from women since the magazine’s publication, but contest rules prohibit him from dating until the competition is over.
Some feedback from women on his Twitter and email have been “awkward” and “random,” but he said the creepiest piece of fan mail was a photoshopped self-portrait with the caption, “Can I keep you?”
Chenevert said his ideal woman has strong faith and love for family and friends.
He said he was “so shy” growing up, but law school taught him confidence. Even still, he was nervous when his friend submitted him in the competition.
Chenevert said he felt uneasy about the New York photo shoot, but the photographers’ helpfulness made him a little more comfortable.
“The photographer [says], ‘Give me more!’ and me and my awkward self, I don’t know what I’m doing,” he laughed.
Chenevert said he is only doing the competition for fun.
“I don’t have any aspirations to use that to propel me to anything else in the spotlight,” he said. “It was just a friend that asked me to submit me.”
‘I’m endearing, quirky, driven and loyal to every woman I’ve dated.’
Go to before 7 a.m. Thursday to pick your favorite bachelor.