Renovations on West Laville Hall started about eight months ago, and construction was delayed about a year because of high construction costs after Hurricane Katrina.But Emmett David, director of Facility Development, said bids are expected to be in hand by Dec. 15. David said the $15,025,000 project, funded by revenue bonds, was delayed because sufficient funds weren’t available.”The inflation of construction cost after Hurricane Katrina caused the cost of the work to exceed our original budget projections,” said Joe Hitt, assistant director of construction.The contractor who can meet the qualifications and submit the lowest bid is typically awarded the work, Hitt said.”If the bids we receive are still too high, it’s back to the drawing board,” he said. Hitt said the project is expected to be complete by fall 2010, David said abatement of West Laville occurred about eight months ago.Residential Life’s master plan identified the facility in August 2002 as in need of renovation, David said.”We removed an old steam heating system, pipes and insulation, electrical fixtures, windows, floor tile and bath fixtures that were dated and will be replaced with new and more efficient equipment and materials,” Hitt said.Many products used in the original construction of East and West Laville were found to be hazardous to human health, Hitt said.”Our goal was not only modernize, but also provide a safe environment according to all new building codes,” he said.East and West Laville will be used as housing but will also have classrooms and community space.”It has outlived its useful life and modernization of the property will provide a better living and learning experience,” David said.Robin Schleuter, communication studies junior, can recall her time in West Laville.”I felt lucky that I lived in such a big room,” Schleuter said. “But … water would sometimes find its way into our room through a closed window on a rainy day.”The renovations didn’t affect housing for freshman entering in fall 2008, Hitt said.- – – -Contact Aimee Effler at [email protected]
Laville bids expected Dec. 15
October 28, 2008