In an attempt to help LSU associate cheerleading coach Chico Garcia with the overwhelming costs of his medical treatment, the LSU Athletic Department has teamed up with Our Lady of the Lake Hospital to host a blood drive in Garcia’s honor today.
Garcia was involved in a serious boating accident on Aug. 27 that left the former LSU cheerleader in critical condition with a spinal-cord injury. The drive will take place in the Tiger Stadium parking lot today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For every pint of blood donated, Our Lady of the Lake will take off $15 from Garcia’s medical expenses.
Due to Garcia’s good physical shape prior to his accident, he has been able to use accessory muscles to breath. But as those muscles begin to atrophy, breathing has become more labored. Doctors have now determined that a tracheotomy procedure is necessary for Garcia to continue breathing.
“The team has been affected by this tragedy in a major way,” said Pauline Zernott, head spirit coordinator. “But they have taken Chico’s spirit and positive attitude and have realized that this is just a temporary situation and that he will be back as soon as possible.”
Those who can’t attend today’s drive but still wish to donate in honor of Garcia can do so at next week’s week-long blood drive on Tower Drive behind the Student Union from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Contact Michael Gegenheimer at [email protected]
Cheerleading: LSU holds blood drive for Chico Garcia
September 8, 2011