The Indian Student Association will host its annual spring banquet, titled “Sanskriti,” in the Union Royal Cotillion Ballroom Saturday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Sanskriti is Indian culture, identity and philosophy, said Shriya Bhushan, the public relations officer for ISA. The banquet usually does not have a theme, but in the context of current events, ISA wanted to highlight the cultural aspects of India, Bhushan said.
About 400 to 450 people have bought tickets to the event, which will feature a dinner, a fashion show and traditional Indian dances like the Bharatnatyam.
Bhushan said the dance is used to start every cultural program.
ISA is the largest international student organization on campus with more than 260 members, and the banquet is a chance for Indian members of the community to interact with Indian students at LSU.
Any international or American student is welcome, Bhushan said.
“We want everybody to come to make everybody multiculturally aware,” Bhushan said. “This is not just pertaining to Indian people.”
Bhushan said the students in ISA appreciated Student Government’s help and support to bring the event together.
Tickets are $10 for ISA members and $15 for non-members. Tickets are available at the Villages at the North Gates of LSU and at Indian stores and temples.
Interested students can call 346-8607 or e-mail ISA at [email protected].
Indian student organization hosts ‘Sanskriti’
April 10, 2003